my pathetic attempt at fluffiness

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trigger warning still the same.

"You are a pathetic, weak-minded monster. Having too much attitude I could maybe understand. But being a filthy little faggot and not apologizing for who you are... that's the limit." With every word, Bianca tightened her grip on my neck. And with every moment of being closer to strangled, my heartrate increased.

I slowly opened my previously shut eyes and looked up at Bianca. Her gaze met mine, her chocolate brown eyes glaring into me with so much resentment and depising. I swallow at the expression; she smirks, and tightens her chokehold.

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(ugh. i hate writing fluff.)
Will smiles at me as I walk into chemistry just as the bell rings.

"Did you finish your portion of the discussion of results and conclusion yesterday?" Will turns at looks at me.

A colorful assortment of swear words rushes into my head. I glance at him with a pained expression on my face.

Will groans. "We agreed to finish it by the start of school today," he exclaimed, his voice full of playfulness.

"I had... things to attend to," I mumble.

"Your wounds?"

I make a face at him, trying to fool him into thinking... anything, really. Anything but the truth.

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(this chapter isn't even fluff.)

"You're so short, Neeks. Has anyone ever told you that?"

"I'm not short," I grumbled, and it was true. He was just overly tall.

As if to prove a point, Will put his entire arm on my shoulder, as if it were a convinient arm stand, which it was not. I tried to twist his arm back, like I could with some people, but his reflexes were too strong.

"You didn't really that would work with me, Death Boy?"

I choked on the air. He pats me on the back. "Death Boy? Really?"

Will winks.

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"I'm having friends over after school," Bianca whispers in my ears as we get off the bus the next day. "Just... stay at the library until it closes. Get a ride home from someone."

That happened a lot. Bianca would just tell me to stay at the library until it closed. The library was walking distance from the school, so I would walk there after school got done.

So when Will asked me if I was sure that I didn't need any help with my pre-calc, a class I wasn't doing well in at all, I said yes.

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"I don't understand... any of this," I admit to Will.

"How much do you pay attention in class," he asks.

"I really don't," I mumble.

"And do you remember learning any of these simple concepts?"

I shake my head, ashamed.

"That's okay," he said in a soothing voice. "If you're the class at your age, then you can probably learn everything you missed easily."

I shrug, unsure of what to say to that.

And by the time he has to leave, the math was no longer unclear; it was blurry.

honestly my fluff has probably gotten worse from my first fanfic to this. this is why i once wrote a hypothesis on how if one writes angst, his/her/hir fluff will never be as fluffy

next chapter: water torture

on edge- a solangelo hs auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant