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guess what cloudy? both southwest and edaj (that's what I'm calling you, edaj) gave me permission to make this story as tragic as i want.

Father leaves the very next day. Apparently the only reason he had come was to do some business with the bank.

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I was limping when I went to school the next day. The only person who bothered to ask me why was Will.

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During lunch, Will walks up to my table. I raise an eyebrow at him. "I'm going to sit next to you today." And I let him, for one reason and one reason only. Because Bianca had lunch a different period.

"So... how was your weekend," Will asks me. I shrug. Just because I let him sit at my table doesn't mean I'm going to give him answers.

He tries again. It was a valiant attempt, but a failed one nonetheless. I start. to contemplate the possibility of a healthy relationship between Bianca and I when Will says, "why is your face so bruised?"

I clench my jaw. "When I was younger, I was always in the sun. My skin got sun damaged, and my skin got weaker," I lie. I once read upon why people bruise easily just in case I needed an
excuse for getting bruised up.

"Oh. That makes sense. But that still doesn't explain why your face keeps getting bruised."

"I got in a fight, okay," mumble.

"With whom," Will asks. I was hoping he wouldn't ask that.

"With a monster," I respond. Bianca acted monster-like enough anyway.

"A kid in your neighborhood," Will asks, his voice full of sympathy. (ugh. sympathy.)

I look down, trying to seem ashamed. "Yes," I whisper.

He let the topic go at that.

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When we get home, Bianca has a scarily frightening smile on her face. I try to retreat to my room, but she doesn't let me. Instead, she starts speaking to me.

"You are pathetic," sneered Bianca. "You are lame. You are a crippled little loser of a faggot. You don't deserve to live. There's no one in this world who loves you, or can even stand you for that matter. Even William, I overheard him telling his friend he was only hanging out with you because he pities you."

Tears start flowing out of my eyes, and they don't stop falling. "All you are is a crybaby," she taunts. "A duffer. Someone who has never felt love because no one will ever love a thing like you."

I hated when she did this. She knew she did more damage to me verbally then physically. The main reason she physically abused me was because she found it fun.

"Go cry. It's all you ever seem to do, anyway." She goes upstairs, leaving me on the floor, a weeping mess.

sorry this was short. and really bad.

was this chapter somewhat fluffy? no? okay.

and imma enter this into the sun angel awards too. but one of the criteria is fluff. writing fluff is haaaarrrrrdddddd. why, solangelo goddesses, why?

on edge- a solangelo hs auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant