inscriptions of hate

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i rewrote this because i needed to
change some things

The semester flew by with Will on my side. Bianca found out about us eventually, and let's just say I didn't end up unscathed.

Mid-terms were approaching quickly, and Bianca was too busy studying, or whatever else she was doing, to find enough time to hurt me.

I knew I should study, but I honestly couldn't have cared less about finals. It wasn't like I was going to college or anything anyway.

So I would take long walks around the neighborhood, trudging through the snow, and watching little kids play and make snowmen. If I had seen a snowball fight, though, I probably would've broken into tears. That had happened many, many times.... (and may happen next chapter)

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"Where are you going," I ask? Bianca was stepping outside the door, her backpack on one shoulder.

"It's none of your business, faggot."

I clenched my teeth, taking deep breaths.

She goes, leaving me all alone in the house.

I remembered when we used to share a room. She was stronger than me; I was defenseless. And her taunts... it was horrible.

I would think she'd reached her limit, and then she'd prove me wrong. And then she took everything to a new level when I turned 12 (or something else).

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I went upstairs to my bedroom and turned on my music. Lying on my back, I looked up to the ceiling and just watched the fan turn around and around, while I drowned in my desperation and frustration.

i know what you all are thinking. omgs! ze actually wrote another chapter!

well it was more like a jumble of words that created an utter mess of a chapter.

sorry for the lack of a plot. and length. i know what i'm doing next chapter, so hopefully it'll be published by the end of the month at the most.

stay obsessed, fellow solangelo obsessors.

on edge- a solangelo hs auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant