it's up to you, sir. please save who sir. you're the only one who hears

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i update this too much.

On Tuesday, our science project was due. We had to present it to the class, which has always been a struggle for me. The one thing I actually learned through the whole project experience was that Will wasn't as bad as he seemed.

But when Mrs. Akyhls said that we wouldn't change lab partners again for the rest of the year, I mentally groaned, disappointed.

And Will, he had that obnoxious grin plastered to his face. I wanted to slap that smile right of off his lips into nonexistence.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily... Neeks," he says, still grinning. I cringe at the nickname he gave me.

I put my face in my hands and groan.

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Bianca isn't there one the bus ride home. She doesn't come home for a while after that. I use the home phone to call her cell and she doesn't pick up.

I try tracking her phone, but her phone's in her room. She never leaves the house without it. She's nowhere in the house either. So where could she be?

She hadn't gone with me on the bus this morning, so I had no way of knowing whether or not she went to school. But there was no way I was calling the school or the police.

So that left me with three options:
1) I didn't have to find Bianca, but then I would have a hard time surviving on my own.
2) I could call father and face his wrath.
3) I could call Will and ask him to help me.

which option should nico pick? leave your answer in the comments. the voting will probably end at what's midnight for me. so, in five-six hours, i guess.

or whenever someone actually chooses one of the options

another update
it's 2:00 am. you can still comment.

on edge- a solangelo hs auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant