a sobbing mess of despair

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During class, Will slips me a note. It said, unless you want me to, the next part was scribbled out, then you better punch Nico before 9:30 today.

As soon as I finish reading the note, I look up at Will. He punches me, and Mrs. Akhyls raises an eyebrow at the two of us but doesn't give us detention, luckily.

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When I see Octavian at my locker one morning, a sobbing mess of despair, I do have to say that I was surprised. His hair, normally neat and combed back, was a ruffled wreck (a bit like mine, I do have to say). He looked torn up and broken, but I had no idea why.

"You're Nico, right," he asks urgently, his eyes darting around, as if he were trying to make sure no one saw him. "Bianca's younger brother. The one who came to my house the other day."

I nod, unsure of what to say.

(writing on a computer is way easier than writing on my phone)

"She- she left me. No explanation, no nothing. She said she couldn't bear for her reputation to be destroyed any further. That being related to you was bad enough, and that- and that- I was nothing but a distraction. That if it weren't for me, she could have taught you more lessons. The way she spoke, (gods. octavian is so ooc in this) it was scary. It was like she was about to turn the living into the dead, a human into a ghost. (anyone got that?)"

I nod, urging him to continue.

"Don't think Bianca is a good role model. Because she isn't."

"Oh. I know," I respond, my voice tinged with bitterness. "I've never been apart from her for over a day in my miserable fifteen years of life."

He gives me an empathetic look and runs off.

I blink a few times, trying to digest what just happened, and Will comes up to me. "What was that all about," he asks, gesturing towards the direction Octavian just left in.

I shake my head, not sure how to answer his question.

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Octavion' words rang through my head all day. "She said she couldn't bear for her reputation to be destroyed any further. That being related to you was bad enough, and that- and that- I was nothing but a distraction." Nothing about what be said to me was clear, and so the whole day, my mind was muddled with thoughts. But Bianca had been related to me all her life. It's not like it happened to her recently. So what else was destroying her rep? And if Octavion was nothing but a distraction, what was he distracting her from?

so, i probably won't update this as frequently now, because i started another book, (which you all should check out, obviously), school's about to start for me, and because i need to study for placement tests this fall.
so have patience, children.

on edge- a solangelo hs auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant