'inspiration' dies

162 4 16

'inspiration' loading....
0%, 1%, 2%
beep beep beep
'inspiration' paused
the server is unable to locate 'inspiration'
'inspiration' has been misplaced
'inspiration' no longer exist on this server

rip, this story, september 7th, 2k17.

don't worry. i'm not ending this here. but i've seriously lost inspiration for this. like i have a vague idea of what i'm planning to do, and where this is heading, but i don't have a clue what to do with it, and it's really annoying.

if you're so attached to my interesting writing style and want more (haha nope. that's no one), then i have like, five other solangelo fanfics ya could read while you're waiting for the next update, whenever that it'll be.

so byeeeeeeeeee, and sorry for the lack of actual chapters in these recent updates.

on edge- a solangelo hs auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant