pinky promise (another super short chapter)

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i tried rereading this. i couldn't do it. i somehow got to the tenth chapter before stopping. this story is so wrong. it's unreadable.
i empathize, fellow solangelo obsessors

i think the last chapter was a good ending to this

The next day at school, Will invited me over to his house. And it broke me, seeing the hope in his eyes, and knowing that Bianca would never let me go, no matter how much I begged her.

"Please, Nico. Just ask your family."

"Be my boyfriend," I whisper, and then looked horrified.

Will looked shocked. "What did you say?"

"Be my friend," I lied. "Promise you'll always be my friend. Even when I tell you what I'm going to tell you." At that moment, I knew it was time. I knew I was ready to tell him.

"Pinky promise," Will said, and stuck out his pinky.

I rolled my eyes, and stuck out my pinky. "Pinky promise."

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"When I was seven, my mother's health started to detoirate. My father, he didn't believe in hospitals, so we didn't take her to a medically trained expert until it was too late."

I took a deep breath and continued.

"Around the time I was eight, a few months after my mother was admitted into the hospital, she slipped into a coma. She was gone. Only her body kept living."

I look at Will, and his expression offers me consolation.

I look down at my shoes. "My father, h-he didn't believe she was gone. He keeps her hooked up to those machines. She's been like that f-for seven years. He became insane. All he cares about now is paying the insanely high medical fees."

I look Will in the eyes and say, "She's gone. She's not coming back. And it's all my fault."

"It couldn'tve been your fault," Will said. "You were only eight."

I sighed. "Bianca and I were... we wer--"

"Talking about me, I see" a voice sneered, and I look up to see Bianca's glaring face, full of hate and rage.

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Bianca dragged me with her to the bus, her nails digging into my hands. As soon as we got there, she let go, and put a convincing smile on. I could see the rage in her expression though, and it was beyond scary.

As soon as we stepped into the house, Bianca pounced on me. She tackled me to the floor, and punched my face, over and over again, yelling, swearing, saying all sorts of things.

And as that all happened, I realized how glad I was that I had let Will into my life. For once, I had no regrets.

this was such a filler chapter

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