idk what this chapter is

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mess of a chapter alert! mess of a chapter alert!

i wrote fluff last chapter; to balance that out, this chapter is more abuse

the only reason i know about this method of torturing is because of my friend sunny

also, let's see try to keep the face-palm worthy comments to a minimum, you corrupted people (person)

Bianca squeezes the water bottle, and water goes all over my face, and into my eyes.

Bianca had made me lay down on my bed, and she stood over me, a water bottle in her hand. She held it over my face and would squeeze it ever so occasionally, so that the anticipation would kill me.

I never knew when she would squeeze it, and so whenever she did, I flinched.

It was torturous, to say the least.

But oh. It got better. She taunted me the whole time.

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"You're a nasty, scrawny mess of a child. It's your fault she's in a coma."

At this point, Bianca was squeezing it every other word. And with every word, another tear would run down my face.

"That's all you ever do, isn't it? You cry and you cry and you cry. Maybe if you weren't such a crybaby, you'd actually have friends."

I whimper.

"And that Solace kid, everyone knows he only hangs out with you to get close to me."

"Then why's he helping me with my schoolwork," I retort, and a look of shock passed her face. I knew I had probably put Will's reputation into grave danger by telling Bianca he was helping me with my studies, but honestly, I couldn't have cared less.

"He went to your room, you know," I continue. "He saw your list. And he asked me what it was."

"What did you say," Bianca hisses, a dangerous tone to her voice.

I decided to embellish what really happened a tiny bit. "I told him the truth. The whole truth"

"All of it," she asks, the fear obvious in her voice.

"All of it," I confirm.

"You lie," she yells, and squeezes the bottle tightly. A spray of water hits my eyes, and I really hope that she didn't add anything to the water.

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Once Bianca cools down, she starts again, and this time, the impact of all her words is greater.

"Does everyone in your grade know you're a fag?"

"Yes," I say, the lie slipping between my teeth without a moment's hesitation.

"So if I happen to mention your filthiness in a conversation with, Will, let's say, he wouldn't be surprised?"

I didn't know how to answer that. Bianca, she had a way of manipulating the truth out of me.

"So no one knows?"

"No," I mutter, and she smirks, a wicked gleam in her eyes.

Another squeeze of the bottle, and more water drips down my face.

By that point, all the water from the bottle had mixed together and combined with the tears running down my face.

By the time Bianca finally finishes with the water bottle, another scar is left in my mind; the imprint of fear.

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"What's wrong," Will whispers when I get into class the next day.

"Nothing," I whisper back. "Why do you ask?"

"There's something you need to see."

i just realized something. a long time ago, i started writing this one original fic. and i opened it up just now and realized i can make it into a solangelo au without changing, like anything!

on edge- a solangelo hs auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant