swings and sets

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"Nico," Will whispered as they sat on the swings. We were at a local park, and were on a set of swings, Will facing forward on his swing, me facing backwards on mine. (did that make any sense?) "Does anyone know you're here?"

"No," I respond. "And I don't care."

"You never finished telling me about your mom, you know?"

"Yeah. I know."

Will takes deep breath. "And do you plan on telling me?"

"I guess I'll have to eventually. Or Bianca will tell you, and believe me, her side of the story is very different," Nico said dryly.

"Tell me now," Will insisted, much to my annoyance.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "I try not to think of that day. Full of bad memories, you know?" I look at him. He nods.

"Bianca and I were playing outside. The holidays were approaching, and there was lots of snow."

I must've had a pained expression, because Will carigly put a hand on my shoulder and told me I should only continue if I want to.

"We had a snowball fight," I continued.

hopefully this will change your opinion on every snowball fight one-shot you have seen

"Bianca and I were throwing snowballs at each other when my mother came outside to tell us it was time to go back inside, and to eat lunch. But when I was younger, I wouldn't follow rules. I wouldn't do what my parents told me to, like it was a game."

I start swinging again, my legs kicking into the air. "I ran around the house, waiting for my mother to come and follow me, a grin on her face, while she would catch me and carry me to the house."

"But that didn't happen," Will guessed. I nodded, knowing what was coming next.

"She had fallen over while running to get me. Fallen into the snow; caused a head injury, the doctors said."

"She slipped into the coma."

"And your family-- they didn't treat you well, did they?" I stopped swinging and look at Will.

"My father blamed me, and he wasn't afraid to tell me so. And Bianca, sh-she--" I look away, unsure of how to continue. "She blamed me. For every bad thing that happened in her life after that. She wouldn't say it aloud at first, but I knew. From the looks she gave...."

"But that doesn't explain all your injuries. You said it was your father. It wasn't him, was it? It was Bianca."

I get up, and sit on the platform to go onto the monkey bars. Will follows me.

"My father, he doesn't care enough about me to pay me any attention. Bianca... after she started junior high, she wasn't the same. She snapped."

I stop talking, and Will looks at me expectantly.

"And then, well, you can see for yourself."

I roll up the sleeves of my jacket, to reveal bruises, cuts, nailmarks, and more.

Will barely surpresses a gasp.

"Nico. This is bad. You need medical attention."

"No. I don't," I denied. I knew I did, but I refused to get any.

Will have me one of those looks that said you'll see, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"You made me tell you all of this, Solace. That means you have to tell me something in return."

"Fine. What do you want to know?"

"Who all have you been romantically involved with in the past?"

All of a sudden, he looks very uncomfortable.

did i ever mention whether nico went to a middle school or junior high? because i like the idea of him going to a junior high before high school better

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