want a haircut, greaser? (super short chapter)

265 11 172

ugh. this story has no plot
and no fluff. quick question. how do you write fluff?

also, 1.76k comments. *claps*

As soon as we get home that day, I decide to infuriate Bianca a bit more than I already do with my existence. (the previous sentence is a perfect example of redundancy) And asking her questions was always fun and seemed to annoy her, but then she would start ignoring me.

"So... Bianca," I start. "Are you and Octavion still together? Because I saw him with that Rachel girl today, and they seemed pretty tight."

She rolls her eyes at me, and then lunges for my hair. ("want a haircut, greaser" (Hinton)?) "You little idiot. You think you're so smart. But you're not. You're a dirty little duffer who thinks he's so smart."

Tears well up in my eyes, and she calls me a crybaby.

As soon as she leaves me alone, I go to do my math homework, and for the first time in a very long time, (please no frozen references), it all came easily to me.

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Nico soon found Will to be more and more interesting. His golden eyelashes were so encapuring, and whenever he blinked, Nico's heart stopped. (foreshadowing, perhaps?) He was captivating, and Nico found himself lost in the other boy's eyes more times than he was willing to admit.

But the more and more things about Will than Nico started to notice, the more and more awkward Nico felt their relationship get. Nearly a quarter of the school year had passed, (ninish weeks), and while things at home were improving, things at school definitely were.

Nico was accepted at Will's lunch table, even if they didn't want him there. On the days Will was absent, he wasn't allowed, and so he just sat alone.

i need to point something out. last chapter, will was being threathened not to hang out with nico, and now.... i don't know anymore. like i said, the plot is just so.... ugh

ugghhh. i just realized this is in third person. i rarely write in first person, so i keep forgetting this isn't in third. i guess i'll continue this chapter in third and keep the rest in first? idk, really.

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Everything still wasn't okay. I had a lot on my hands; Will, Bianca, mother, father, school, teachers, other kids, my sexuality, how Will would react if I told him...

But everything was better, and that was a start.

okay. i have an honest question. which sounds better? the story in first or third person? i think i like it better in first, but my writing is so much better in third

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