closer than ever before

211 12 66

since when does this have more reads than sOUlAngElO? maybe it's because i consistently update this....

The next day, Mrs. Akhyls (how do you pronounce her name?) introduced another lab to us. But this time, I wasn't so annoyed that I had to work with Will. Ever since he helped me look for Bianca last week, he had given me space. I didn't know whether Will had believed the lie about that man who sometime called himself my father actually caring enough to abuse me. Either way, he wasn't pushing me for answers or anything.

which do you think will believes? the truth or the lie?

While things with Will were going better, things with Bianca were only getting worse. Everyday, every nanosecond spent in the same room as her, with the eyes glaring into the back of my had, it damaged me.

Whenever I came home from school, I was scared for my life. (does what's gonna come next happen to any of you with your older siblings?) She had a way of manipulating me, and making me do whatever she desired. Whenever I told her no, she would either threaten me, or say things that would make me feel such strong levels of guilt, causing me to oblige.

She made me regret all my decisions, and made me believe that every choose I took was the worst one possible. She filled my mind with fear, such amounts of fear that it was interfering in my daily life.

My grades started to drop from a's to b-pluses, and eventually to c's. I wasn't even somewhat healthy anymore; I became more and more self-conscious, and my self-esteem, already low, worsened.

My teachers didn't care; they hated me and my attitude. Most classmates didn't even notice. The only person who noticed and cared was Will.

Every morning, when I went to chem, Will would give me tips on how to heal the physical wounds. It was a shame he couldn't teach me to ease the mental ones. Apparently his father had failed medical school, so he became a pharmacist. Will had a lot of pressure coming from him. On top of that, Will's brother, Pius, (anyone get it?) was a world-renowned doctor. He had gone through medical school with a full scholarship, and Will's parents expected him to do the same.

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In the bathroom stall, Bianca shut her eyes and sunk to the ground.

by now, y'all should expect short chapters. imma force myself to write fluff for the next chapter

on edge- a solangelo hs auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant