di Angelo Residency

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When I show up to school the next day, I am a mess. My face is completely bruised, and I can barely move, let alone walk and write. It even hurts to open and close my jaw.

Somehow, I managed to get through first period pre-calc (pre-calculus), without collapsing on the ground. By the time I walked to the completely other side for AP Chem, I was quite a bit tardy.

When I walked into AP Chem, my teacher, Mrs. Akhyls glared at me. She had been explaining how effusion worked differently with poisonous fumes.

"Do you have a pass, Mr. di Angelo," asks Mrs. Akhyls in her sickly sweet voice. I shook my head. "I'm afraid I'll have to warn you tardy then, sweetie. I warned you last time." She then goes back to explaining effusion and poison. If you asked me though, both her words and her voice were poison.

I slide into my seat at the table I shared with the annoying Solace kid. No matter what his last name was, I definitely did not find any solace whatsoever in him.

When the teacher's lecturing is done, I'm glad. Even though it meant we had to work on the project, which involved communication.

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"Can you come to the library after school to work on the science assignment," Will asks me at the end of the period.

"I- I can't," I reply. "I'm not r-really free after school...."

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The rest of the school day is torture. But honestly, I would rather stay at school for the rest of my life than have to suffer what Bianca puts me through.

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I hear the phone ring in the the other room. Bianca picks up the phone. "di Angelo Residency," she says in a sweet voice. (should the first letter of di Angelo be capitalized or not?) "Oh. You would like to speak with Nico? I'm afraid he's not home at the moment. I'll make sure to tell him to call you back when he gets home. Goodbye. You too."

She then looks at me with a deadly glare on her face and I cower in fear. "What was that all about, freak? Is he your latest crush, trying to refuse you?"

"No," I snap back. "That was my lab partner in Chem, if you must know."

"What's his name," she hisses, her eyes narrowed.

There's no choice I'm willing to take but to answer her question with full honesty. I hoped Will wouldn't mind. "William Solace."

Then, something that I never would've excepted to happen took place.

Bianca blushed.

idk what tense i'm writing this in. should this be in past, present, or future tense? or should it stay the way it is how; inconsistent?

on edge- a solangelo hs auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant