100 VOTES/somewhat fluff

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omgs omgs omgs
this has a hundred votes!
thankew all so much!
i guess i'll write a somewhat fluffy chapter in return
but we all know it's not gonna end up fluffy
but be glad your getting another update in the span of 24 hours
and there's not gonna be any abuse in this, 'cause i don't feel like writing any

Will and I never told everyone, but somehow, everyone seemed to know. Or at least, most people did. Bianca, luckily, didn't catch on, or if she did, she never mentioned it.

Not everyone accepted us, obviously, but most people were too scared to say anything, for fear of Will and I.

Will and I spent as much time with each other as we could. Outside the library, in school, outside the school... whenever we could.

"Hey Neeks," Will said, popping a blueberry into his mouth. "Want a blueberry? 'Cause you're always moping?"

"You know all blue berries are poisonous, Solace?"

"B-but," Will said, a look of horror going on to his face. "I just ate one..."

"Blueberries aren't blue, Will. They're purple."

Will looked at the blueberry, as if staring into it hard enough would get it to reveal all its secrets.

I roll my eyes, and reassure him that bananas are still yellow.

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Our time together grew scarcer and scarcer, as Will had his deadlines for college applications, but out time together was precious all the same.

"Do you think you'll make it into med school," I ask one day.

"I sure hope so. Have you ever thought about what you might be?"

"No," I admit. "Not really."

"You could always be a psychologist, or a psychiatrist," Will suggested.

I stared at him. "And have to talk with people? Yeah. I'd rather not."

*cringes at how ooc nico is*

"I thought it might be something you're good at. You have plenty of good advice, after all." Will was silent for a minute, before saying, "You should be a mortitionist. They identify the cause of death i--"

"I know," I responded. "I don't think could handle seeing any more lifeless bodies though."

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I take out a picture of Will and I that we had gotten someone to take. Will had printed it out for me, and I would look at it whenever I was feeling down.

I use the back of my thumb to rub it along the side of what is Will's face in the picture, as if I were caressing him.

I sighed. Will was everthing I could wish for, and more, but I just wished I could have a more supporting family, or an actual family, one that wasn't broken, for that matter.

But I knew that life would never be perfect. And soon, a certain sense of drowsiness overcame me, and I slept well, something that hadn't happened in a very long time. do you know how hard it was to not say, for the first time in a while?

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Outside, the sun set and rose, without the lives of the two lovers, Nico and Will, being interrupted. But little did they know what was coming in their life. They can't tell you what their future holds. But I, as the author of this story, can tell you what will.

Tragedy will strike you like it never has before. You will feel such levels of pain and empathy that it will hurt, both mentally and physically, not to mention physically and socially.

They won't be together for long, and soon, they will be separated once again. So stay obsessed, fellow Solangelo obsessors.

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