why, exactly, am i here? (it's obviously super short)

201 12 23


trigger warning: if you get triggered by suicidal thoughts, then i strongly advise you not to read this chapter until the time skip that says you can read now.

The next few days were painful. I didn't go to school the rest of that week. Bianca wouldn't talk to me, which would seem like an improvement, but it was really painful. I had no way of contacting Will without Bianca knowing, so I was all alone.

All alone, drowning in my misery. In my own little puddle of sadness. It was as if I were a cornucopia, sucking in all the sadness and pain that hung in the air. It became unbearable.

I couldn't help but think, why am I still alive? Father clearly doesn't care about me, Bianca couldn't care less about me, and W-Will, if he knew my secrets, he wouldn't want to be my friend. So then why am I still alive? Clearly nobody wants me here. So why haven't I ended it all?

Another voice in the back of my mind rang. Because of Will. You're here because of Will. Because Will cares for you, even if no one else does. Because Will means something to you, something no one else means to you. He holds a special place in your heart. You love him, and that's why you keep going. Will is your lifeline. So you save yourself by being in his company.

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The next week, when I went to school again, my heart shattered. I saw Will and this girl holding hands as they walked to school. The girl had curly blond hair that went to her shoulders.

"You and me both, huh," came a voice from my left.

I blinked at him. He looked like a senior.

"I'm Percy. And that girl, walking with your Will... she's mine. We've been best friends since we were twelve. And recently, I had started to notice her in a completely different way. And then I got friendzoned. I got friendzoned real good." He looked at me. "Who are you, anyway? You look familiar."

"Nico di Angelo."

He looked at me, expecting me to go on. I sighed.

"Bianca's younger brother," I mutter.

"Oh yeah," he said. "Her. The one who used to tag around with Zöe."

I nod.

"I'll see you around, then, I guess. And take my advice. Tell Will how you feel. Don't wait, like I did. Don't be an idiot like I was."

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While walking into lunch later that day, I was beyond nervous. "W-Will?"

"Yep," he replied.

"B-be m-m-my boy- be my boyfri- my boyfriend," I managed to get out.

"Why Neeks," he said, "I would love to."

the ship has sailed
about time that happened

on edge- a solangelo hs auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant