Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 2)

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Ashling walked along side of Quinn as he lead the way in to the cafeteria. The dining hall was huge, along one wall was all the hot food lined up and behind it, it opened up to the kitchen where the kitchen staff were working. Off to the side of the hot food was a long buffet area that had cold items like salads, fruit, etc. Ashling eyed the salad bar and excused herself to make a large salad topped with just about everything they had laid out and then smothered in Ranch dressing. She stopped by the drink dispensers and poured herself a large cola. Ashling found Quinn and Cassie sitting at a table close to the doors, they were talking casually as Ashling finally joined them at the table.

"Salad?" Quinn raised an eyebrow at her. "That's all?"

"If you can't see, I've topped this thing with about 100 different toppings and now it's completely covered in Ranch dressing. So if you even think I'm trying to watch my weight guess again. This salad has just turned from something healthy to almost deadly." Ashling laughed as she speared the salad with her fork.

"Want a little salad with that dressing?" Cassie joked as she popped a fork full of food into her mouth. Ashling responded with a large wolfy grin as she shoveled some into her mouth.

"A girl with an appetite, hmm." Quinn joked as he almost devoured a cheeseburger in one sitting.

"I didn't get to ask you earlier but how old are you?" Ashling asked Quinn.

"Twenty, I've been coming here for the past two years while I'm in college. How old are you?" His gray eyes sparkled as he watched her every move, Ashling could feel her cheeks growing red under his watchful eye.

"Eighteen. Just graduated about a week ago." Ashling turned to look at Cassie was lost in conversation with another returning staff member. "My dad thought this would give me the chance to get out of the house before college and start to get my mom prepared for me to be out full time." She laughed and then suddenly her face grew pale, she had forgot to call her mom!

"What's wrong?" Quinn asked honestly concerned for her sudden mood change.

"I forgot to call home when I got here. Knowing my mom, she's probably close to a nervous break down." Ashling began eating in a hurry, once her plate was clean she tossed the trash and took care of her plate and silverware. Ashling jogged to her room not paying attention as she moved along fast, suddenly she slammed into something hard falling back right on her butt with a loud "Humph".

"Watch where you are going!" Ashling looked up to see the disgruntled face of Keiran. He straightened his shirt out and walked away without another word.

"Well excuse me." Ashling mumbled as she started to get up and dust her back side off. She turned around to see Keiran watching her a few yards away with a weird look on his face. Rolling her eyes at him she turned and started back towards her room. When she entered her room her phone was already ringing, Ashling began ripping things out of her person in a crazy search for her phone.

"Hello? Hello!" She asked frantically.

"Ashling! Why didn't you call me? I've been calling you for over an hour!" Kalee screamed into the receiver.

"Chill Mom! I've been caught up with unload and getting settled, I'm sorry." Ashling kept reassuring her mother that she was fine and promised she wouldn't make her worry like that ever again. Her father joined on the line momentarily to tell her how proud he was of her and to enjoy herself. Even her parents didn't know she was keeping her identity a secret, Ashling just once wanted to be a normal were, not an Alpha's pup.

"Well I've got to go, Mom! Lots to do before tomorrow, we start our training!"

"Alright, have a good night. I love you and we all miss you!"

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