Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 13)

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That evening Guy Spencer decided to do something different. Instead of the staff members visiting bunks two at a time, there were going to serenade the bunks together as group. Ashling was equipped with her guitar, as was Ava. They went to each bunk singing to the door until all the campers peeked out to see who was singing. One by one they would introduce themselves and greet each of the campers. After spending a few minutes mingling with the campers they moved on to the next bunk only to repeat the show over and over again.

They finally came to the last bunk, the one Ashling was wishing she never had to go to. When they began singing the strangely familiar girl showed up at the door first. She smiled sweetly until her eyes landed on Ashling and moving to Keiran, her smiled morphed into something more wicked and devious. Instinctively Keiran pulled Ashling closer and planted a soft kiss on her neck. The unknown girl snarled then stepped back. The entire staff entered the bunk and began chatting away Ashling trying to keep her distance from the girl but keep a close eye on Keiran who was chatting lightly with a younger camper.

"Hi. I didn't catch your name earlier." Turning to see the girl standing before her, Ashling huffed heavily then held her hand out.

"I'm Ashling Baynes. And you would be?"

"Adaline Auston." Ashling shook her hand as she nodded understanding why the girl seemed so familiar. "So nice to meet you."

"Same here." Thankfully Guy Spencer announced it was time for lights out and Ashling wasted no time to get out of the bunk. As soon as Keiran was in her sight she called out to him internally. 'That girl!'

'What girl?' He looked at her confused as he walked up to her side.

'That one standing at the door.' Ashling peered over her shoulder quickly to see the girl waving as she departed. 'Her sister is Emma!'

'Calm down, sweetie. That girl can't take you away from me.' Keiran chuckled as he snuggled his head into the crook of Ashling's neck.

'Keiran, I'm being serious. Something isn't right about that girl.' Ashling voice became very stern and had a hint of power behind it. The suddenly surge of power startled Ashling, reminding her of the night a fight almost erupted between Keiran and Quinn.

'What should we do then, Ash? Speak to Spencer?' Keiran asked as he turned Ashling to face him. 'Will it make you feel better if you were claimed already?' His voice questioning softly.

'No. I don't want to do it because some little girl is creeping me out. I want to do it when we are ready for that. I don't want to get pregnant now, I want to go to college and enjoy my youth.' Ashling voice raised as she felt the anger building within her. She wasn't going to be bullied into doing what will eventually happen. Keiran stared at her, for the first time she truly hurt look on his face as he took a step back.

'Enjoy your youth? Am I supposed to wait around while you sew your wild oats?'

"Keiran." Ashling spoke aloud as she reached out for him. "Please let me explain."

"I think you've said enough." Turning on his heel he walked away quickly. Ashling just stood and watched him walk away, her heart breaking with each step he took putting more and more space between them.

Ashling couldn't sleep that night every time she closed her eyes she saw the pained look on Keiran's face, the one she put there. How could she be so selfish, she didn't want to have a child yet but she wanted to insure they were always going to be together. Ashling was suddenly gripped with a wave of anxiety, could he reject her as a mate?

The Baynes Legacy - Book 3- Who Goes Bump In The NightWhere stories live. Discover now