Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 18)

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Ashling entered her bed room to see the bed had been stripped and stood against the wall, the frame and head board close by. Keiran was positioning himself on one side of the bed and Connor on the other. Slowly she watched them descend down the stairs and out the front door. When they came back for the next item they weren't alone Doyle was following close behind looking exhausted from the night before. It was obvious he hadn't slept at all yet, and getting some soon wasn't looking so good for him.

"Doyle!" Ashling threw herself at her twin latching her arms around his neck pulling him into a tight embrace.

"Ash." His voice was tired but she could feel the sadness hidden within. "What am I going to do with you so far away?" Ashling pulled back, she was already on the brink of tears but that pushed her over the edge and they began to flow freely.

"I-I'm g-going to miss you!" She sobbed as Doyle petted her hair gently.

"You'll be okay, Ashy, we both will. It won't be easy at first be we can call each other and hell I may take some vacation time and come see you." Doyle laughed slightly trying to prevent his own tears from spilling.

"Hey Doyle, come in here and help Keiran with your sister's dresser." Connor called. Doyle nodded as he broke the embrace placing a brotherly kiss on her forehead. Ashling stood back and watched as the men lifted all the furniture waiting until it was time for the boxes. She knew she was fully capable with lifting the heavy furniture, she and Doyle had done it numerous times before when they were younger. But something about their demeanor told her to stand back and let the men do the job.

Slowly the room was emptying of all the furniture just leaving a mountainous tower of boxers many deep almost as tall. They all stopped for a short break grabbing drinks out of the refrigerator, Ashling heard the front screen door creek open and slam closed. She peeked around the corner to see Kalee, Rhys, the twins, and Ali with baby Landon in her arms. "ALI!" She shouted with delight as she closed the space between them quickly careful to not squeeze the baby too much.

"Hey Ash. They wanted me to go home and rest but I couldn't let you leave without seeing you off." Ali whispered as tears pooled in her eyes. "I'm sorry, my hormones are going crazy. I shouldn't be crying, this is a happy time. And it's not like you won't ever come home."

Rhys helped Ali to the couch and left her there to nurse the now awake baby. The guys walked into the living room looking for Ashling and quickly noticed the baby hidden under a blanket, all their faces grew red except Rhys', who was beaming with pride. "Um, Ash we need to start bringing down boxes."

"Oh okay." She rose from the couch and looked back Ali as she left the living room. When she entered the room everyone had grabbed a box and began carrying it out. The twins stood against the wall looking around confused.

"Daddy? Ashy go? Why?" Lily asked quietly as she tugged on Rhys' pants leg. He turned and looked at Ashling giving her a sad smile then turned back to Lily and Ian.

"Yes, Aunt Ash is moving away. But she'll come back. She has to move in with her mate." Rhys smiled back at them hoping he helped them understand.

"You back Ashy." Ian demanded as he pointed at her.

"I'll be back to visit you two." She scooped each one them up placing kisses on their cheeks and hugging them tightly. "I love you both." She placed them back on the floor and hurried bot pick up a box trying to not cry again. Ashling had to be more productive or they'd never get on the road. With everyone's help they were done a lot sooner than she had planned. Keiran went back to the room to retrieve all their luggage placing that lastly in the back of the truck before shutting the sliding door and locking it with a pad lock.

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