Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 12)

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Later that evening the entire staff and Doyle loaded up the camp bus heading into town for dinner. Half of the restaurant was blocked off reserved for them. As always Ashling was surrounded by Keiran, Cassie, Quinn, Ava, and now her brother Doyle. Like the day before she couldn't help to think of the relationships that have been formed because of this camp, like her and Keiran. Would she of ever found him if she hadn't agreed to go to this camp?

Looking across the table she watched Ava playfully swat Quinn's arm and his eyes beam back down at her. Ava's face grew flushed as she diverted her eyes, something was amiss between them, but she refrained from asking at that moment. Ashling knew there was plenty of time later to bug her cousin about her relationship with Quinn. Doyle on the other hand was being his normal player self, if it has two legs and female, he'd flirt with it. Cassie was soaking it up, but the look on Doyle's face hinted to her that the feeling Cassie was wishing for, wasn't exactly there.

A subtle squeeze on her thigh woke Ashling up from her assessing stupor. Keiran's warming touch had set her aflame from the inside, looking to her side she saw his playful smirk. 'Whatcha thinking about?' Even with his voice ringing from inside her head, he had a way of making her melt.

'Relationships that are formed because of this camp. What if I or you never came to this camp? How would we of found each other?'

Reaching up to caress her cheek softly Keiran's voice popped into her head again, 'We would of eventually found each other. Fate would of brought us together.'

Suddenly Guy Spencer rose from his seat raising a glass in the air, "I want to give a toast. To the entire staff, without whom this camp wouldn't be possible. I'm eternally grateful to each and everyone of you. I know we have one more session of campers, but I hope everything goes as smoothly as the last one did. With a group like you, I don't have a doubt in my mind that it won't happen." He rose his glass higher and smiled as everyone at the table followed suit and sipped their drinks

After finishing dinner everyone piled back on the bus, Keiran pulled Ashling to the back pulling her down into a seat with him. With his back resting against the window and one leg draped over the seat Ashling settled between his legs resting her back on his hard chest. Closing her eyes she enjoyed feeling his hands slowly rub up and down her arms to her waist. Gently running his hands across her tummy, he moved his mouth to her neck placing soft sensual kisses. Biting on her lower lip, Ashling choked back the moan that was dying to be released. In the dark bus Keiran slowly worked his way back up to her breasts drawing his fingers slowly across the exposed flesh from the top of her dress. 'Your so beautiful.' Keiran kissed from her shoulder back up to her jaw, Ashling slowly turned as each of his kisses got closer to her lips. Slowly making his way to her lips he hovered just over them feeling her staggered breathing against his lips. As if fireworks went off he kissed her passionately, as if it was the first kiss all over again. The bus came to a sudden stop causing them to break off the kiss.

"We're back." Guy Spencer called from the front of the bus.

Taking Keiran's hand Ashling drug him from the bus, once they were off they took off in a sprint. Leaving Doyle and the rest of the group asking where they were running off to. Ashling didn't stop until they reached the lakes shore. Keiran turned to her and smiled, then without another thought he pulled his shirt off and then his shorts. Once he was down to his boxers he ran to a small pier launching himself into the water. "Come on in." He called as he waded in the water. Ashling swiftly stripped out of her shorts and tank top leaving her in a black lace bra and matching boy shorts bottom. Walking down the pier she looked down at Keiran who was standing there with his arms open waiting for her to jump in. Smirking, Ashling jumped into the water balled up fetal style causing a loud, large splash. "Nice!" Keiran laughed as he wiped the water from his face. "My mate can dive and make a tiny splash or she can make a splash any man would be proud of by doing a cannon ball."

The Baynes Legacy - Book 3- Who Goes Bump In The NightWhere stories live. Discover now