Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 6)

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There is a video on the side with the song that Ashling sings!!!! Please listen to it if you don't know the song!


Dinner was much like lunch, loud and busy. Once everyone was back in their bunks the staff member broke into pairs and went to visit the bunks. Guy had told them to get to know the campers and show them you are much like them and you can relate. Ashling thought of the best way to show her "softer" side, so she ran back to her room and grabbed her guitar. When she finally made it back to the first bunk she was visiting she noticed her partner, Keiran, hadn't shown up.

As she walked in all the giggling from the girls stopped as they all gazed at her. "Hey everyone, I'm Ashling Baynes." A few girls waved but most mumbled a "hi". "So I'm here to get to know everyone a bit. So why don't ya'll all come over here and we can get to know each other together. Slowly the girls climbed down from the high bunks and off their beds and crowded around a empty beds.

"Like I said, I'm Ashling. I just graduated, I have two siblings, and I play guitar." She smiled sweetly as she raised the guitar up then laying it in her lap.

Suddenly a hand shot up, Ashling peered at the girl, her hair was black and her eyes a bright green, her face held a mischievous smirk. "Are you really a Baynes?"


"So you're an off spring of an Alpha."

"Yep. But I'm no different from everyone else. My dad just happens to be Alpha." Ashling shrugged. As if never skipping a beat Keiran strutted winded. He tossed the young girls a crooked smile as he took a seat beside Ashling. "Glad you could finally join us."

"Yeah, sorry. Hi girls, I'm Keiran Byrne. I have two brothers and like to box."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Someone piped up excitedly.


"Do you want one?" The same girl who questioned Ashling asked as she batted her eyelashes at Keiran.

He began to chuckle as he glanced over at Ashling. "Of course I want one, but I'm waiting for the right one."

Keiran directed the girls to say their name and tell a few interesting facts about themselves. When they were finally done going around the circle the questions started again. "Ashling, do you sing too?" One of the younger girls asked.

"Yes, actually. My brother, sister, and I used to set up in our back yard and put on small concerts for our family."

"Sing." Keiran stated as he nudged her with his elbow. Being caught off guard Ashling just sat there confused.

"I don't know what to sing."

"Anything." A few of the girls called out.

"Okay." Ashling ran her fingers across the strings reassuring herself it was properly tuned then began to strum a familiar melody.

"Smile though your heart is aching, smile even though it's breaking.

When there are clouds in the sky you'll get by.

If you smile through your pain and sorrow,

Smile though maybe tomorrow,

You'll see the sun come shining through for you.

Light up your face with gladness

Hide every trace of sadness.

Although a tear maybe ever so near,

The Baynes Legacy - Book 3- Who Goes Bump In The NightWhere stories live. Discover now