Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 28)

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Ashling was amazed when Keiran pulled the car into the drive way of their own home. The front window was fixed, there was no longer shattered glass littering the yard. The house was darkened letting the evening sun bathe the front of the house with it's golden orange rays. Doyle jumped out from the back of the car to go unlock the house while Keiran assisted Ashling out of the car. She felt fine since she had took a pain killer as they left the pharmacy a little while earlier. Once inside Ashling was greeted the warm inviting scents of food, it reminded her so much of coming home when her mom was cooking dinner. But she was certain that wasn't possible. Her mother was still peeved at her for getting pregnant and they had yet to apologize to each other.

Keiran lightly tugged her down the main hallway leading into the kitchen where voices were floating lightly down the hallway. Finally entering the kitchen she glanced around the filled room to see everyone that was there. Ali, Rhys, and the kids, Keiran's friends with a somber looking Xavier standing further back than most. Devin and Kelly were there and standing close beside them was her father and her mom. "Mom?" Ashling asked lightly, her eye brows raised in question.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry for the way I acted. I never wanted this to happen though. No mother deserves to feel that loss." Kalee pulled Ashling into a tight hug nearly crushing her to her chest.

"Ah, Mom, I can't breath." Ashling coughed. Before Kalee could apologize more Ashling held her hand up stopping her before a word could escape her mouth. "We'll talk about it later, Mom." Kalee nodded and stepped back to Connor's side.

Keiran lead Ashling back to their bed room shutting the door behind them giving them some privacy. The chatter from the kitchen became muted as they were finally alone. Turning to face her mate she noticed the troubled look masked over his striking features. "What's wrong?" Her voice barely audible as she asked him.

"I need to talk to you about Emma." The mentioning of her name alone had caused her inner wolf to rumble with a warning growl.

"What about her?" Ashling snapped looking amazed that Keiran would even want to talk about her to him. Suddenly there was a light tap on the door causing him to turn and answer the door. Xavier stood there looking directly at Keiran, they're eyes informed her they were talking between the two of them and not cluing her in on what was going on. "Alright, tell me what's going on before I get pissed off."

Keiran moved out of the way of the door allowing Xavier to step into the room, shutting the door quietly behind him. There was definitely something going on that she wasn't informed of, and she was sure she wasn't going to like what was going to come out of his mouth. "What is it, Xavier?"

"I found my mate, Ash." His voice was heavy with pain and worry.

"Well that's great news, why are y'all acting like she's going to die?" Ashling smiled happily only to have it wiped from her face as she looked back and forth between both guys. "Who is it?"

"Emma Auston." Ashling gasped as she stepped back her inner wolf growling yet again. Xavier took a step towards her his hands raised showing he meant no harm. "I need to ask your permission to fight against the death penalty she would normally be sentenced too." He glanced back at Keiran pleading silently for help, Keiran's face remained blank as he watched on.

"You want me for forgive her so she can live? She tried to kill me so she could have Keiran. She was mated already once with Donovan, Keiran's twin, and ran when they were in an accident. Because of that bitch I lost my first baby, and you want me to forgive her? Are you smoking crack?" Ashling yelled her voice growing louder with every few words as she realized more and more what Xavier was actually asking her to do. She shook her head violently 'no', "I'm sorry, Xavier. One I have no power in this pack yet to say that, and two I don't think I could ever trust her to be a member of this pack."

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