Who Goes Bump in the Night (Chapter 21)

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"Yes?" Keiran looked at her in shock.

"Oh my God, my mom is going to kill me." Ashling whispered as she stared off in a daze. She didn't have the first clue as to break the news to her mother. She'd probably drive the entire fifteen hour drive in a day and take Ashling over her knee like she did when they were children. Fear clenched her stomach and again sent her running for the bathroom. Keiran was there again making sure she was okay helping her clean herself up then helping her to bed. He crawled in bed beside her hugging her tightly to his side. Ashling slowly drifted back to sleep holding on to Keiran tightly. He sat quietly flipping through the channels until his phone rang, he looked at the caller id seeing Cameron's name pop up.

"Hello?" He said in hushed tones.

"Keir. Hey, man. I want to apologize about yesterday. I didn't mean to." Cameron babbled on.

"I know. It was my fault for leaving the door open." Keiran looked at the clock noticing it was almost midday. "Hey where are you and the guys at?"

"Just down the street, why?"

"I need to speak to you all." Keiran stated as he looked down at Ashling sleeping soundly against him, a surge of pride flowed through him at the thought of his child growing within her.

"Sure. We'll be there in five." Keiran said good bye and shut his phone. Cutting off the television he slowly peeled Ashling off of him and slipped out of the room leaving the door open so she could hear him when she woke up.

Just as he walked into the kitchen to clean up the breakfast dishes there was a knock at the door. Cameron, Dylan, Xavier and Anthony each waved as he opened the door. As they each walked in Keiran warned them to keep their voices down because Ashling was sleeping. Each of the guys took a seat around the small table as Keiran gathered the dishes and washed them off quickly.

"So what's up, Keir?"

"Well my dad came by earlier and it seems the same person who broke in last week has been trying our boundaries. So he's doubled up on patrols and has asked that neither Ashling or myself go out alone. I'm going to be relying on you guys to help me with that. I trust you with my life, so I can trust my mate and our unborn child's life with you." Keiran turned to look at them as he dried his hands, each one had a look of shock written clearly all over their faces.

"She's pregnant? Already?" Dylan asked as he shook his hair from his eyes.

"Way to go, bro." Xavier stood up to clap him on the back.

Keiran sighed heavily, "She probably doesn't want anyone to know yet. It's only like a week along but she was throwing up pretty badly this morning. My father has the doctor coming by sometime so we'll find out for sure. But we are pretty certain that's the issue." Keiran looked at each of them then grew extremely serious. "Can I trust you guys?" Each of his friends nodded, "Good. Now if and when I have to leave her with any of you, do not say anything about the baby unless she brings it up, and don't anger her. That means clean up after yourselves and help her out!"

"No problem dude. We'll help out, she's carrying our niece or nephew after all." Cameron grinned at his friend.

Keiran looked at the clock again realizing Ashling had been asleep for over two hours and would probably wake up soon. He looked through the pantry finding some soup hoping she'd be able to eat once she woke up. As he stood at the stove stirring the soup and chatting with his friends, Ashling walked out of the bedroom rubbing her eyes with her robe tied tightly around her. She looked like she hadn't slept in days as her hair fell in a tangled curly mess around her shoulders.

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