Chapter 2

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Rebbeca (Becca) on the right (Jade's mother) =>

I entered the bathroom whipping off my clothes with water actully it was whipped away, after I finished I went out Perrie was standing with Harry waiting for me as I saw Cody coming .

"im really sorry babe, are you okay?" Cody asked as soon as he approached me.

"yea I'm fine" I smiled and I saw harry with corner off my eye looking at us and perrie was talking to zayn.

"Sorry for ruining your favourite shirt" Cody smiled giving me a kiss on my lips. I realized that Harry got...I don't know..angry? jealous? but he was unpleased, I mentally smirked then I grabbed Cody's face kissing him longer seeing Harry's reaction, harry fisted his hands and walked away mad, "Tonight" Cody said and winked after pulling away


After school Perrie went home cause there was a party at one of the guys house, I don't go to parties, its disgusting,  like people get drunk and make out with each other. what's fun in that? anyway, I went to the mall with Becca, we were sitting at Nandos eating there as I saw Jessie standing there with Harry, I sighed looking at my food.

"Whats wrong jadey?" Becca asked in concern

"Remember the guy I told u about today? well he is standing with Jessie"i said eating a fry off my plate, Becca looked behind her, "woah he us hot!" she said looking back at me, "what?! no he isn't!" I said her as she laughed and excused herself to go to the bathroom, Jessie saw me and smirked evilly as she excused to harry and came.

"Well well isn't it the girl who tried flirting with harry" she said as i stood up mad

"I didn't flirt with him! I hate him!"  I said loud enough for him to hear.

"Well don't try cause he doesn't go for girls you type! don't fall in love with him or it will be one off your biggest mistakes, He thinks that you are a bitchy diva too" she said and walked away as I looked at harry and collected my stuff leaving without Becca.

I arrived home it was 5 pm, I went upstairs and took a shower and slided into a new outfit, Black skinny jeans with white shirt that had huge heart on it, I put on my white sneakers and took my books and headed to the library after having a quick snack.

at the library I found myself thinking about harry with alot of questions in my head. Why did he say this? What did I do to him? What does he want from me? why was he mad when I kissed Cody? why does he hate me? I found myself unable to study, I collected my books and got up I saw harry standing at one of the shelves as I tried my best to move fast, unluckily I pumped in to someone as my books fell on the floor,

"im so sorry" I said and bent down to collect the books.

"its okay, here let me help you" i heard him say as he helped me I got up and looked at him, it was the guy from school with blonde hair, he stood up giving me books and i thanked him.

"Hey arent you the girl in my chemistry class?"he asked his accent was irish one it suited him perfectly.

"yea its me, my name is jade, you are?" i asked with a smile.

"im Niall Horan, nice to meet you" he said taking my hand kissing it, I let out a giggle and smiled, I can feel harry's gaze on us.

"so what brought you here its kinda late now" He said with a smile, I looked at my watch it was 8 pm, wow time gone by too fast.

"Oh well better go now" i said putting the bag on my shoulder.

"Do you want me to walk you there? its late and beautiful girl like you cant go home at this time alone, here let me help you," he took my bag and walked out side I looked behind me to see harry looking so furious, what is his problem? I ignored him and walked out off the library.


The next day was as usual, school and harry was still acting weird, me and niall became pretty close, and I heard nothing about cody, I decided today I would go study in the park , I went the there weather was good, I sat on the grass against a tree and put my books on the grass in front off me. while I was studying mathematics there was an equation I didnt get it, I sat thinking people were leaving the park and I was left alone, someone sat beside me, "That's an easy one tho I can help you with it" I heard Harry's voice beside me and I looked at him. "What do you want harry don't you have a party to go to?" I said getting annoyed.

"no I don't want to, I'd rather hang out with You than go to a party" He said as butterflies interrupted my stomch but I ignored them

"hang out with the "Bitchy diva"? I asked raising an eyebrow

"ive never said this about you, Jessie makes up words" he said scooting closer. "now let me help you in his equation" he took my pen from my hand and started explaining, to my surprise I understood from him , he made solving maths easy for me now. after we finished we went for a walk alittle and brought some ice cream, I forgot about me hating him, and I told him where did I come from and my name and my age. I also knew some stuff about him, he lives alone, he has angry issues, his parents died in an accident, and he has one sister living in France with her husband.

"Thanks for helping me, at first I thought you are bad but turns out that you are a really nice person" I said as soon as we arrived in front of my house.

"you don't know anything about me yet" he said with a smile."well better go now, sleep tight. good night beautiful" he kissed my cheek making my skin go on fire but I ignored it and went inside.

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