Chapter 19

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"Maybe its perrie. i can drop you there to see whats wrong. but please darling. dont cry." he kissed my tears away. then my nose, forehead, eyelids, my cheeks, he was going to kiss my lips but stopped there. my heart beated really fast..he cant like me. can he? our lips were close and he stared in my eyes searching for a rejection. should i kiss him? do i like him? harry never asked me to be his girlfriend. what if i like louis? the only way to find out is to kiss him.

Louis p.o.v

I cant kiss her, harry is my friend and this is so wrong, but I cant resist her, I can just wait till my feelings get confirmed, I pulled away, to see her face was so pink as she got up and went to the bathroom.

after few minutes she went out wearing her clothes of last night.

"can you please take me to my house?" she asked looking at the floor. I nodded and got up.


the drive was awkward, but it was short, we arrived to her house and I stopped infront of it.

"Thanks louis" she said, and she was going to touch the handle buut stopped, she turned and looked at me, as if she was thinking, she looked at my eyes then my lips then my eyes again. she opened the door and got out leaving me confused.

Jade p.o.v

I watched louis drive away as I went upstairs and changed into sweat pants and a minnie shirt, I sat in my bed thinking about harry, I took out my phone and texted perrie that I miss her, I texted niall that I really miss him and becca wasnt home as usual.

I went downstairs and made some popcorn and sat in the living room, I flickered through the T.V, I found family guy so I left it and watched it.

half a way, I felt myself getting sleepy. I layed on the couch and closed my eyes.

I woke up to someone trying to get beside me on the couch, they tried but they were going to fall so they held my arms and we both fell on the floor, "Owwww!" i heard HIM groan. i groaned to as i opened my eyes to meet harrys green ones.

"H-Harry?" i was laying on him. he had a stupid smirk on his face. i realized how close we are, as i got up quickly and dusted my clothes.

"How did you get in here?!" i asked him.

"nice to see ya too" he said and got up. i rolled my eyes and sat on the couch as he sat beside me. too close.

i scooted farther but he got beside me. i scooted even farther he scooted even closer. i sighed and he leaned closer to me. i got up and sighed.

"Whats wrong?" he asked. im getting him mad.

"you left me alone yesterday! in our date! i had to walk home alone! i was cold and louis showed up and took me home! you called me in the morning and yelled at me!!" i raised my voice. my blood was boiling.

"hold thought that was a date?" he chuckled. "That wasnt a date. why would i go on a date with you?" his laugh made me sick. this wasnt a date. what are we anyway? is he using me?

"oh did you think that i was going to ask you to be my girlfriend!" he laughed harder as i stood there staring at him looking like a fool.

"i dont date. and if did i would never ask YOU out. But she is so good in bed" i cant believe him

"Get out" i tried to keep calm. he is really annoying. i hate him.

"what?" he got up and stood infront of me.

"Get the fuck out." i tried to keep calm as much as i can.

"Woah..Calm-" i cut him off.

"get the fuck out of my life!! i hate you!!" i yelled at him. and it was the worst idea ever. he pulled my hair and pushed me against the wall.

"dont fucking yell at me!!" he yelled in my face. tears started to fall from my eyes. who is he?

"listen bitch! you gotta do anything i tell you or i'll kill you and your friends!!" he pulled my hair harder. "do you hear me!!"

"Y-Yes s-sir."i said getting scared. he left my hair and walked out of the house. my phone vibrated as i took it with my shakey hands.

"im warning you. dont dare to tell anyone about this. you are under my control." -Harry.xx

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