Chapter 7

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It was friday night, and I was getting ready, perrie said she will pick me up, I was wearing my costum, it was white short dress with a huge angel wings, and I had white ballerinas on and my make up was simple, I had soft white eyeshadow and pink lip gloss, I wore a white mask that covered the part around my eyes. my hair was down, and straight. I was sitting downstairs waiting for perrie.

after 10 minutes, I heard a car horn and went out to find perrie's car outside, she was wearing a hot vampire costum. I got in the car as she smiled at me."wow you look so sexy!" she said and started driving.

We arrived at the party after 20 minutes, it was hosted in a ball, kinda of ball. Perrie enteres and I followed her, to my surprise , most peeople were wearing silly stuff, I was the only angel here.

THe spot light was on me as I went down the stairs, people were looking at me, I kinda felt unconfident, but it didn't matter, I saw harry standing over there with his friends, he was wearing a dark angel, well I guess im only the white angel here, he wore a black shirt with black tight jeans and black wings. One of his friends elbowed him as he looked at me, with a huge amazed look on his face, I saw him mouth to his friends 'she is beautiful' I ignored it and walked downstairs to find perrie, I can't believe she ditched me, I was walking through the crowd as I pumped into someone. Harry.

"sorry." I mumbled. "watch out angel" he said and winked. I felt my cheeks heat up. what is wrong with me?

"I never thought someone would dress like an angel, like me" he said with a smile showing his dimples, he looked perfect. shut up jade.

"but im white and you are black" I said and chuckled.

"but opposites attract, right?" he smirked getting closer. I blushes and looked at the ground. "you are really cute" he said. I guess he couldn't idinntfy me from the mask. good. right?

"thanks" I said and smiled, "do you want some punch? come on follow me, lets take you to a calmer place, he said and gave me his punch and we walked out to the back garden. it was kinda cold, me and harry walked in silence, the smile never left his face. he looked really beautiful, what is wrong with me tonight?

"so tell me did you come here alone? are you new in the school?" he tried making a conversation, as we sat on the bench infront of the lake.

"im actully friends with perrie" I said and looked at him. "hmm.." he said and his eyes met mine and he gave me a smile, "you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen tonight" he said leaning closer making , my cheeks turn red, "really cute when you blush" he said as I realise d I was leaning into him too, I couldnt stop myself, our lips were so close they brushed, I could feel his breath on my face, his gaze fell to my lips and back to my eyes searching for any sign of rejection. I guess he couldn't read my eyes , but he put his hand on my cheek, I couldnt take it anymore as I connected our lips, he kissed me softly, butterflies erupted in my stomach, his lips tasted like cherries, they were so soft againts mine. we kissed for 5 minutes then we pulled away and looked in my eyes. I looked back in his, this felt so wrong but right, I wanted to cry I don't know why. I got up and walked away fast, I heard harry call me but I ignored him but he followed me then perrie appeared "jade! niall is looking for you" she said as I looked at harry he was shocked and surprised. "jade?" he asked. I ran as fast as i can, ignoring perrie's voice calling me and Harry's shocked face.

i've been running for ten minutes, but i got tired and lost i guess. then it started to rain. i looked at my watch it was 12 am. i guess i've been running for a long time. i looked to my side to find a huge house. i dont know whose house is it but i saw it clothes were and i looked horriable, my eyes were puffy from crying and i had pink cheeks.

i approached the house, i was going to ask for help or something. i was going to knock the door but i felt dizzy and i couldnt do anything, i walked to the back yard trying not to fall and i found a bench infront off the lake. i layed down on it. wishing all what happened was just a nightmare. my dreams were full of the curly haired boy who kissed me.

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