Chapter 8

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The next morning I woke up on something soft, but I remember sleeping on the bench, I open my eyes slowly adjusting the light, I was sleeping on my side, and next to me was, Harry! Like seriously??!! Ugh. I cant believe me! He was shirtless tho, and had an arm wrapped around my waist, I tried to stay silent, as I foumd my mind drifting to how hot does he look like, his face was so anglic, his curls wear everywhere on the pillow, I let out a silent chuckle, I realised his body had alot of tattoos, why did he have them? I found my hand going to his face tracing my small thumb over his eyes, cheeks then his lips, I kept staring at them and thinking about what happened last night. why did I feel butterflies and electricity through my body? did he feel it too? why did I like the kiss? did he like it too?

I dont know whats running in my head, im confused. sometimes he is nice and other times he is mean. I dont know, I dont know what to do. i gave him a kiss on the cheek and smiled. he desrves a reward cause he saved me from outside right? i saw his lips grow into a smile, i chuckled and looked at him. he looks like an angel. his eyes opened slowly and the smile never left his face. "morning beautiful" he said in a raspy sleepy voice. god. thats hot.

"morning." i said and smiled. "did you sleep well?" i asked.

"i am sleeping beside an angel. of course i slept well." he said and smiled making my cheeks heat up. stop jade. you hate him.

"thanks for taking me inside by the way" i said biting my bottum lip.

"im not a monster as you think i am. you dont know me well. just give me one more chance to show you that i can be a better friend" he said. his green eyes looked deeply into my brown ones.

"its okay harry. i'll give another chance" i said. i didnt realise how close we're until i felt the heat of his body against my...hold not wearing the white dress. im wearing..harry's shirt?! And i dont know why but the word 'friend' annoyed me.

"thanks jade" he smiled and kissed my nose. my cheeks turned pink again. god! stop this!

i looked down i realised our bodies were pressed to each other and our legs were intertwind. and his arm was still around my waist. his eyes never left mine. and the smile never left his face. i poked his dimples as he chuckled and took my hand and kissed it. then pulled my closer and hugged me. whats wrong with him today?


Me and Harry went to get breakfast, we went to starbucks, most of the school was there. me and him were sitting and i was laughing so hard. i never laughed that way before. he said a silly knock knock jock. but its really amusing.

"Woah i've never laughed like this before" i said after calming down alittle.

"Im glad that im the one who makes you laugh like this" he said taking a sip from his coffee. i smiled and looked at him as he gave me a wink making me look away blushing.

"so tell me do you have plans today?" he asked and i shaked my head. "no actully i guess i'll just stay home" i shrugged

"well how about you spend it with me?" he smiled

"yea sure. that would be great" i said and put my hand on the table.

"dont worry jade. i'll try to control my anger" he said putting his hand on mine sending electricity through my body i think he felt it too cause he looked at our hands and intertwined our fingers. i gluped off the feeling, its really weird i feel this way with harry. he felt it too. i can see it in his eyes.

"Do you feel it?" he asked looking at our hands. "yea yea i do" i said. "thats...weird, but.." i cut him off "perfect" i looked at him as our eyes met. And out off no where! Perrie and Niall beamed at us!

"Harry and Jade?! are you guys on a date?" Perrie asked looking at our hands. me and harry pulled away quickly.

"No! no we arent!" me and him said in the same time.

"Where were you last night?" niall asked and sat beside me putting his arm around my shoulder. making me shift uncomfertably and harry glared at niall as if he wanted to get rid off his head. i chuckled.

"oh and here are the pics of our date" niall said giving me the pics. i thanked him and putted them in my bag as harry got up mad and stormed out. i ran behind him ignoring everyones exprition.

"Harry! please wait!" i run and held his hand.

"go back to your lover boy!" he said his words hurted me.

"i dont love him!" i yelled.

"then why the fuck did you go out with him?!" he yelled back.

"i dont know! and why is it bothering you?!" people started to gather but i didnt care.

"I dont know!! stop yelling!" he yelled

"you started this!" i yelled back

"Jade!!" he yelled getting closer.

"Harry!" i yelled back then he grabbed my face and crashed his lips into mine catching me off gaurd. and people ghasped even niall and perrie. i tried to push him but he pulled ne closer. i couldnt resist and kissed him back, he kissed me with hunger and passion. he pulled away to breath and rested my forehead on mine.

"im sorry" he said looking in my eyes.

"its okay" i whispered. as everyone started whispering about us.

"lets go away from here" he grabbed my hand and went to his car and drove us away.

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