Chapter 7

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"What happened girl?" "Can I come in?" "Yeah sure, come in" I said. We both immediately walked up to my bedroom. "Nice necklace." she said still crying. "Thanks Axl gave it to me this morning" I said with no emotion. For a moment it was silent. "What happened?" I asked. "Well.. you know my boyfriend Joey, right?" She asked and I nodded my head. "My parents didn't know I had a boyfriend so I wanted to let them know. I walked downstairs and told my parents about Joey Stevens and..." she was silence for a moment. "My dad hit me and my mom got extremely mad. They kicked me out of the house and told me to never come back. I.... I didn't understand why they reacted like this...until" She got the todays newspaper out of her bag and pointed to a certain article. "Joey Stevens, LA's criminal" that's what it said. I didn't even want to read it. "I lost my parents..My boyfriend... and trust in everyone" "Aaw come here" I said and pulled her in for a hug. We sat in a hug for about a minute when Axl shouted my name from the downstairs. "I will ask Axl if you can stay here" I said.

As we walked into the lounge room Steven greeted Shelia a bit too enthusiastic "Hey Lia" Duff said "Hi" Axl didn't say anything. Shelia gave him a hug and said: " Hi Axl" "Hi" Axl said in a normal tone, he looked irritated and disappointed. Duff Axl and Steven were already eating cake, so I got a piece for Shelia as well. "Thanks" she said. "Honey can we talk for a moment?" I asked and pointed to the back yard. "Sure" When we were outside I told him the story that Shelia told me and asked "Can she stay here for a while?" "What!.. of she stays here it would be awkward if we had sex, I can't go without sex" "I hate your lame ass excuses, what is wrong man?" "I'm not gonna tell you" he yelled. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" "Nothing, no fucking thing" it started to be a screaming match. "You're my boyfriend for two fucking years, and you don't tell me everything? It feels like you've never loved me in these years" I said and walked back inside. Just before I wanted to close the door I heard Axl say: "Sky....Wait please" I knew I would get it out of him.

Yaaay in the next chapter you guys will read why Axl doesn't want Shelia to stay at their place for a while. Please leave a comment with you opinion x -CruelGurl

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