chapter 32

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-- quick warning, I always try to keep sex scenes and stuff sorta clean but I didn't know how else to phrase some things in a clean way so yeah it's a bit more extreme than usual. lots of love xo --

We were still sitting on that hill in the desert, just having a good time.

"I called Steven earlier today" I said "he talked about a BBQ at Axl's"

"oh yeah it's tomorrow, you want to come?"

"I'm not so sure to be honest"

"Well it is up to you of course, I can stay home with you if you don't want to go"

"No, I think I want to go actually. What harm can it be?"

"We can always go home if you don't feel like staying"

"yeah alright, sounds good"

"Did Steven say anything else?"

"No not really, he just kinda explained what happened."

"Ah that's fair enough" Duff said looking into the distance.

"Are you alright?" I asked him

"Yeah just thinking about how rough and quick the last few weeks have been going, like Steven leaving and then Matt coming in. I feel bad for you, like how rude he was to you was very unnecessary, he should've just tried to get to know you."

"It's alright, I don't care"

"Yeah but it's not as if that was the only time he was ever going to see you, if he is going to act like that all the time imma be pissed."

"will he be at the barbecue?"

"yeah actually, that's his last chance to be nice to you I swear to God"

"we'll see" I said laughing

I stood up, took a deep breath, and stuck my hand out for Duff to grab. "I wanna go to bed" I said. We walked back to the car. As we sat down Duff started to shake and feel unwell. "Are you alright?" I asked. He shook his head. I got him a bottle of water from the back of the car. He was trying to relax and just take a good few breaths, which seemed to help along with the water.

"I'm sorry" he said. "I have been trying to stay sober for you and it's just kinda kicking in I guess. I didn't drink anything during rehearsal and like all this time we were here."

wow okay so you're telling me that this man gave up the most important thing in his life for me? I wanted to cry in a little puddle he is so pure.

"Duff, I love you. But you don't have to make such major steps for me, but I literally appreciate it so much like you have no idea"

"No skye, I wanna do this for you, I love you and I don't want you to constantly have to worry about me."

"But look at yourself now, this is worrying me" I said slightly laughing.

"Yeah alright I get you, but I'm good to go now" and he started to drive

He looked happy, I looked into his eyes and he grabbed my thigh. This literally just turned me on so much. I gave him a flirty smile and he squeezed my thigh. "Oi!" I said laughing. He moved his hand closer to my pussy and I had to try real hard to control myself. It all got ruined by Duff having to switch gears as we were getting onto the motorway. He started speeding to show off and maybe also to get home quicker.

When we got home Duff started to not feel well again and laid down on the sofa. I opened a window for him and got him some water. I sat next to him and held his hands. I wished I could do more but we both knew it would pass soon and he'd be okay. He looked like he was in such misery, but I didn't know how to help. "Anything I can do?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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