Chapter 8

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I sat on the ground and Axl sat right in front of me. "Listen.... I should've told you before" he began. "I...I started to have feelings for her" I wanted to interrupt him but I decided to listen. "one day we saw each other at a parking lot, something happened and... we kissed" WHAT?! What was he thinking? Holy fuck. I was furious but I didn't let him notice. "She acts like nothing happened but every fucking time I see her I get these flashbacks. I can't forget about it" he continued. "You got anything else to say?!" I said in a bitchy tone and walked away. "I don't want it to happen again, that's why I don't want her to stay here. I don't wanna cheat on you babe." he said "It's just for a few days, just until she finds her own place." I said "Whatever" "Is that a yes?" "Yeah it is" Axl said. 'Yes omfg thanks' I thought and gave him a hug. We walked back inside and I placed myself on Duff's lap. He put his hands around my waists, it felt so right. His fingers slid between mine. "Shel you can stay for a few days but you have to find you own place" I said and looked at Axl. He had a annoyed expression on his face, was it because I sat on Duff's lap or because Shelia stayed here? I really didn't care, I mean it was still my birthday and I enjoyed it. "We gotta name the cat" I said to break the silence. "It's your kitty, you name it" Axl said "How about.... Belissima?" That name sounded great to everyone. "Belissima it is" Steven said. After a few minutes of talking about music and other random shit my phone rang. "Hello" I said "What time do you plan to come to your work?" SHIT! I thought. "I'll be there in a few minutes!" I said quickly. "Well you better hurry if want to keep your job" I hung up the phone. "Gotta go, bye" I say as I run up the stairs to grab my backpack. I ran out of the get in my car and drove to a small bar. That's where I worked. I came in and it was all dark and silent.

Okay okay okay, wow I've been gone for tooo long. Hope you like this chapter. Leave your opinion in the comments below. :) I've a two week holiday rn so I can update a lot. #MuchLove

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