Chapter 17

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Shit. Damn, fuck! Those fuckin bruises tigers buds trying to rape me.
What do I tell Axl?

"It was Izzy, wasn't is?" Axl asked. "No-" "I'm gonna call him right now" "No dont" but before I knew it Izzy's number was dialed. "What the fuck Izzy!" Axl shoyted trough the phone. I took the phone from Axl and hung it up. "IT WASN'T IZZY! why can't you just listen? Izzy would never harm me" "Then who will?" ".....tiger" "What?" "..rape.." I simply said. "I'm gonna kill the son of a bitch!" "Actually.... Izzy already did that" Axl looked confused. "Izzy shot him" I said "Izzy the lifesaver?" "yes" "What's that with you and my friends?" What was that for? "They are my friends too" "K then."

-Later that day-

"Do you know what time it is?" I asked Axk who wa almost asleep. "around 8PM" he said. "Where the fuck is Shelia?" "Who don't you just call her?" "I tried like three times" Axl of course didn't really care where she was. But I guess he was kinda concerned. "What shall we have for dinner?" "I don't care whatever you want" Axl said "CARBONARA!" (if you don't know that, try it out!) "of course" "I'll cook"

-after dinner-

"I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight" I said "Coming with you hun"

-Next morning-

"Good morning babe" Axl said "How are you?" "I'm good, how about you?" "I'm fine" "glad to hear"

I dressed up and went down stairs to prepair for my party. I went to the living room and saw that it was all decorated. "Good morning" Shelia said "Why are you always so early?" "Haha I don't know" "Thanks for decorating" "No problem" "Good morning ladies" Axl suddenly said. "Why are you so sneeky? you scared the shit out of me" "Sorry."

Just when I grabbed the vodka the doorbell rang. "I'll get it" Axl said

--Axl's POV--

I opened the door revealing a beautiful lady. "Hi, you must be Axl" she said "Christina!" Sky yelled running towards her with the vodka in her hands. "Yes, I'm Axl, come in" "Why are you so fucking early?" Sky asked. "I was in the state, because I was at Richards house, and so I didn't know what to do for the rest of the day." "wait?! Rickards house?" Sky asked "I'll explain later" "First open this up" Christina said.

-Sky's POV-

I opened the package and it was a nice pair of sunglasses that I always wanted ever since I met Christina but couldn't find in any store. "Where'd you find these?" I asked her "Paris" "You went to Paris?" "Yeah I came back like 3 weeks asgo" "How was it?" "Romantic as they say it is, it was really beautiful, and super interestig" "Did you go alone? or not?" "I was with Richard" "You mean Richard Ocean? from High School?" "Yes that guy" "omfg what? tell me more" I really didn't what was going on right now. "I can call him my boyfriend now" "Who's this Richard guy?" Axl asked. "A guy in school we both had a crush on" Cristina said. "And she chose you over him, you're a special one Axl" she added Axl smiled at her sasying that, not believing her "You really are special Axl" I said "For real! Not because you're famous, or because you're talented, you care about me, whice is something that most people don't" I said. "Why wouldn't they?" "I don't know, people just don't stick around for so long" "You are just better than them and they get jealous" Axl said "How do you know?" "It happens to me all the time, and after three years, you never left" "Are we supposed to sing 'love is san open door' from Frozen now? All my life has been a series of doors in my face...." I started "No Sky we are not gonna sing Frozen songs today." Axl said on which I gave him a sad expression. "I'm sorry babe" Axl said "You two are so cute together" Christine said "Let's take a seat" I said pointing to the couch. "I'll show you the house later" I added "Would you guys like something to drink?" Shelia asked "I'd like some Coke, please" Christy said "And she never changed" I said "I know right, it really is still my favorite drink" "and it is still bad for you" "how about yourslef?" Axl asked "What do you mean honey?" I asked sarcastcly, I knew what he ment. "You know what I mean" "I might" I said, Axl gave a funny face at me causing me to laugh. "You guys want anything too drink?" Shelia asked while handing Christy her drink. "No thanks" Axl said "A glass of water please" I said.

-after a while-

The doorbell rang, and I got up to open up the door. "Hey love" Duff said. "Hi Duffy" "Hey! Don't call me Duffy!" he tried saying as if he was mad at me. He walked in "Where's my vodka?" he shouted "I'll get it for you" I said. We walked into the livin room. "Hey mate" Duff greeted Axl "Hi, how you doing man?" "I'm good, how are you?" "I'm fine, just a bit tired" "Here's your vodka" I said handing him a bottle of vodka. "I'm gonna set the cups and the drinks for tonight" I said "I'll help you" Duff said. "Okay" we walked to the big table in the front part of the house. "what's the plan?" Duff asked "Place cups all over the table, and put random liquids in them, whenever people are thirsty they just grab a random cup" "I think that's a really great idea" "I know right." We filled the cups and it looked really cool, I got really excited.

-the party has started...-

Everyone was here; Steel Panter, Guns n' Roses (ofc), friends, boyfriend. Can't go wrong, right?

My favorite song 'talk dirty to me' by Poison came on. Steven and I started dancing to it. When the song was over I started talking to Duff about how he came up with the intro for Sweet child, when I suddenly saw..... ... Axl kissing Shelia..... again. NO. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" I yelled, pushed Axl and ran away. I ran outside not caring where to go "Sky, I'm sorry" "I don't need your stupid sorry" I heard someone running after me, and grapping me real thigh. It was Duff "Leave me alone" I said crying "I let you go, but you have to know that you can always come to my place." he said "just let me go NOW!" I didn't care about anything anymore.

-Duff's POV-

"What the fuck is wrong with you man?" I was really mad at Axl right now. He promised that he'd never hurt Sky, but he did it again. "I'm sorry" "me too" Shelia said. "I guess I'll just leave" she added and left. "Now you're gonna do what?" I asked Axl "shut up, asshole" "You got no one now" "I said shut up!" AXl got really mad at me right now, and punched me in the face, but I punched him ten times harder. I walked back inside, "I guess the party is over now." I said. "Why did you have to hurt her like that?" Lexxi Foxx asked Axl who got back inside "Why don't you just shut up, motherfucker" "Piece of shit that you are" Lexxi said.

-Sky's POV-

The best birthday party I've ever had. NOT. I hate that motherfucker for the ret of my life, I'll never forgive him.


THANKS FOR 3K!! I ALMOST DIED WHEN I SAW THAT! I remember a few months ago, I only had 27 reads and it made me real happy. I never imagined 3K!

Hope you liked this chapter! Where do you think Sky's going?

XOXO -cruelgurl

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