Chapter 30

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---Sky's point of view---

"Do you have any plans for today?" Clayton asked. "Not yet" I said turning around, smiling. "Would you like to go out to the zoo?" "Sure, the weather is nice." "Exactly."

We packed some bags, I made some sandwiches to bring along and off we went.

We were driving in his fancy car and I was just enjoying the moment so much, the music, the wind, the vibe, him. I just looked at him and started wondering about what his favourite food could be, his favourite colour, animal, artist etc. but I didn't want to ruin the moment with my stupid voice. So I just kept quiet and kept imagining.

"What is your favourite animal?" he asked me

"I was just about to ask you the same thing" I said laughing. "but to answer your question, it's a guinea pig."

"Oh we had some when I was little. Mine is a elephant."
"I love those too!" I said, feeling stupid that I didn't say that animal because I actually really love them. "What is your favourite food?"

"Probably something italian, you?"
"I would have to go with Mexican"
"Taco bell?"
"I LOVE taco bell!"
He laughed, then said "we can go there after the zoo"
I looked at him while wiggling my eyebrows, meaning that I am so down for that!

We arrived at the zoo and he paid for the tickets, which he really didn't have to but he is just too good.
The first thing I noticed is that this zoo changed a lot since the last time I had been here as a child.
"You know what Clayton? Thank you for saving my life!" I said
"Out of no where."
"Yeah, was just thinking about it."
"No problem, it is my job you know."
"I don't think I'd ever in my life visit this zoo if it weren't for you."
"It's my pleasure" he said smiling
omg I love this guy so much

Time was honestly just flying by, we were now nearly halfway through. We had already seen so much, so far the koala's had been our fave.
We decided to sit down for a bit and have lunch.
I was kinda looking around, taking in the atmosphere.
"What's your favorite song?"
I snapped out of my daze. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked
"What is your favorite song?"
"Oh, eh, probably wild world by Cat Stevens."
"I love that one!"
"It's just so relatable, you know?"
"Yeah I don't know, it's just such a tune"

I just really loved being around Clayton, it just felt as if I was finally back in the real world, with real people and real feelings. It felt as if I could finally breathe clean air again, which I didn't even knew that I needed.
"Shall we continue?" He asked.
I nodded in response.

We continued our walk around the zoo and headed back to his home, in his beautiful car. I couldn't quite comprehend how we just collided, how do coincidentally our lifes crossed paths, how I just met the most amazing person. We went to a taco bell drive thru to get dinner which was really exciting and I don't even know why, I suppose food just is really exciting. 

When we got to his place I got myself a drink and sat down on the couch, he went and did some laundry real quick. We then ate our dinner while it was still sorta hot. It was so nice spending time with Clayton, I just can't stress it enough. I do miss Axl, I really fucking miss him but I am trying not to think about it too much. After all, I broke up with him for the right fucking reasons, I think. 

-the next morning-

I just woke up, checked the time and it was 1p.m, how exactly did I do this? I laughed at myself. 

I started wandering around and got myself some breakfast. There was a note on the fridge:

"Hey babe, I am working till late, I will be happy to spend more time with you tomorrow"

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