Chapter 31

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"I love it"

I really did. I loved the crazy life we all lived together and wouldn't want to miss one bit of it. I can't believe I wanted to leave at one point, but that's just my brain wanting to run away from uncomfortable situations. I just got to learn how to cope a bit better, we all do.

I wanted to know how Duff felt about me after everything, I needed to know if he wanted me, because if he didn't I wouldn't know what to do. Do I try and get back with Axl? Do I just stay single? Hit Izzy up? Become a hooker? The options were endless. Except I had no idea how to find out if Duff still likes me, do I just ask him? And if he doesn't how the hell do I figure out what I want to do with my life.

Duff noticed that my brain was somewhere else than focused on the TV , and waved his hand in front of my face to get his attention. "You okay?" he asked. I nodded. "No you're not, I can see it." "I'll be okay, Duff." "You can talk to me, you know that." I nodded again while looking him right in the eyes. He stared back.

It felt like we were lost in time. Until suddenly he kissed me. Guess I got my answer. I kissed him back, holding his neck, it got more and more passionate. He pulled me closer and started to pull my shirt up and taking it off. He kissed my neck down my body and before I knew it we were both naked. I wanted this all this time, but now I'm not sure if I do. I grabbed a bottle of vodka from the table in front of us and chugged it down. This would make things a bit easier mentally. He pulled me close and kissed me while he teased me. I need this more than I want it but let's just go with it, I thought. We fucked better than I've ever had it before. I could just forget about the world around me for some time. He on the other end seemed to just have a need to let steam off and used me for it. Should've known.

Duff and I were happy, we were in peace. Didn't have a care for the world. The day went by fast, at the end of the day the guys had rehearsal. They decided to pick that back up to get some structure back into the band.

"You wanna come with me?" Duff asked. To be honest I wasn't sure. "I don't think the guys are wanting to see me." "What makes you think that?" "Well, I fucked up, I left y'all. I don't think everyone will be pleased." "Skye, I really think they will be more than happy to see you." "Okay, but if they aren't, I'm blaming you" I said with a smirk on my face. "Let's go"

We hopped in his car and drove to the studio where they rehearsed, I saw Axl's car and my stomach started to twist. Was I ready to see him? I haven't seen him since he found me half dead, when he saved me. I am praying that he still feels like that about me, like he wants me to be okay. I was zoning out of reality and into my wild brain. Semi unconscious Duff and I walked up to their little space they rented there. My brain still worrying about wether or not anyone would want to see me. I felt my old shyness coming back. Duff opened the door and I just stood behind him, because I was too scared to face the guys. Duff walked up to some guy, I had never seen him before but the shield that he was to hide me was gone now and everyone could see me. I looked at their faces and waved with a shy smile on my face, trying to keep myself together. Not everyone was here yet, it was just Slash and Izzy in the room. I don't know where Axl was, I was scared to see him. And I guess Steven just hadn't arrived yet. I looked around and took in details, the cigarettes on the table and a lot of paperwork. There was a plant in the corner, God knows why. There were records on the walls. I wasn't paying attention and suddenly Slash and Izzy were hanging around my neck. We chatted for some bit, catching up before they went back to sorting their instruments for the rehearsal. I was still finding myself standing in the same spot Duff had left me. The door behind me opened and I turned around to see who it was. Axl. Axl Rose. He looked into my eyes and kissed me immediately. He stopped. I looked at Duff, he didn't see it. Thank God. "I love you" I whispered into Axl's ear.

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