Chapter 15

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I punched tiger in the face and two other men came around the corner. They grabbed me and tried to pull of my clothes, wanting to rape me. I pulled me knife and they backed up. Then tiger jumped on me and my knife fell out of my hand, one of the guys took it.

With some weird moves I got tiger off of my back and held him so I could punch him. Just then I got punched.

I suddenly got pulled back and someone said: "Hands off of her!" it was Izzy. "So that's your boyfriend, little stupid Izzy Stradlin" "No he's not my boyfriend, and he's not stupid" "shh.. it's okay Sky." He walks around me, stands right in front of tiger and shoots him. Still alive. The two men ran away.

Izzy picked me up and placed me in the passenger seat. He hides the gun in the car, and called 9-11.

"Yes hello, I need an ambulance, man shot." "yes he is still alive" "At the back of Harris st." "Thanks bye" That's what I heard him say.

Five minutes later the ambulance arrived. They took the guy and Izzy got in the car.

"You okay?" He asked. "Fine, thanks" "always." "Please don't tell Axl about anything of this." I said. Izzy looked at me and smiled. "Please" "I won't" "Thanks"

Izzy started the car and Unstoppable by Empire of Fools started to play.

After a little while Izzy asked: "Wanna tell me now what that fight between Axl and you was about?"

After I explained the whole thing he said: "That's so Axl, but so not you." "yeah whatever"

Before I knew it the car was parked right in front of Axl's house. "Again, please don't tell Axl." "Never ever, I promise you." "pinky-promise?" "okay fine"

We walked inside the house to find a half asleep Axl on the couch"

Yaaay another chapter, I made it waays longer than I had planned. I made that whole ambulance thing up at the moment

Xoxo take care -CruelGurl

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