Chapter 16

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"Axl we're back" I said quietly. "Who is we?" "It's mee!" Izzy shouted from the kitchen. When Izzy shouted that, Axl held his forehead with one hand. Seems like he's having a headache. "Are you okay hun?, seems like you're having a headache." "It's not just a headache..." "You okay?" "Don't worry about it." "How can i possibly not worry about the one i love?" "Love you too, babe." he said and kissed me on my cheek. "You got what I asked for?" He asked. I looked over at Izyy who had a huge smirk on his face. "Yes I do." I said and trew the sack on his lap. "How much do ya get from me?" "A 100 dollars." I said, on which Izzy gasped. "That's more than usual isn't it?" "I got a little more." "How much is it?" "75 grams"

I got up and got some painkillers for Axl. "Thanks"

"Izzy and I are gonna make some music" aka talking private shit.

We walked into the room where the music shit happens and both our equipment is. "So.... Steven told me that there's something going on between duff and you..? what's it? Steven, Slash, and me are really curious of what it is." "Duff and I... we are just really good friends. The problem is that when Axl and I had that fight I wrote a song about Duff, a love song." "That's fine." "no it's not fine at all!" "Sky... Can I be totally honest with you?" What was going on? "Yes ofcoure you can" "I myself once wrote a love song about a very special girl" he said pointing at me. "Excuse me, what did you say?" "You heard me" yes, I defiantly did. "Does anyone know" "Steven does, but it's like a year ago. I don't really feel anything like that towards you" ofcourse my best buddy knows and never told me about it. Suddenly I got a totally different view on him being around me all day today, and on him saving me. ''What time is it actually?" I asked. "1:48 AM" Izzy said. "Time flies'' "I guess I'm going home then." "Okay''

We walked to the front door. "Bye Axl!" Izzy yelled. "Bye mate"I'll walk with Izzy down the street" I said "Don't do anything I shouldn't do" He replied

I walked with Izzy to the end of the street and there we stopped. "You coming to my party?" "Not tomorrow but the day after, right?" "Yep..." "I'll be there" "Awesome, it's gonna be great" Izzy turned around and was about to walk further. He stopped, ran up to me, and kissed me. I kissed him back. Suddenly everything started to be in slowmotion, I was in some kind of magical world. Suddenly the time stood still, and I realised what was going on. Why am I kissing this heroine addict? I pulled back as fast as I could. "I'm sorry" we both said at the same time. ''But it's like a year ago, I don't feel anything like that towards you" I repeated Izzy's words from before in Izzy's voice. "I gotta go, I'll see you later, bye!" Izzy said and ran away.

Well I guess It's just me on my own then. I called Axl to tell him that I would wander around for a little. God knows for how long. I felt horrible for kissing Izzy, I don't know how to deal with this. I don't wanna face Axl again, I feel like when I see him again I will spit it out that I kissed Izzy. But he is my boyfriend and he's the best I could wish for. I went to an old drugsfactory, haha yeah people actually used to make cocaine there. It's abandoned now.

I put on 'The last night' by Skillet on my phone.

You come to me with scars on your wrist. You tell me this will be the last night feeling like this.

I Just came to say goodbye didn't want you to see me cry. I'm fine.

But I know it's a lie.

This is the last night you'll spend alone. Look me in the eyes so I know you know I'm everywhere you want me to be. The last night you'll spend alone. I'll wrap you in my arms and won't let go. I'm everything you need me to be.

I sang along the lines in bold, the parts that the girl sings and the chorus. Oh how I love this song.

When the song was finished I decided to head back to Axl.

I opened the door to see a cute kitten on the middle of the floor on the new soft carpet.

Axl was already in bed I guess, he had to be up early for band practice. I looked at the clock to see that it's 3:30AM.

I checked if Shelia was in her bed and yes she was. So I walked back to Axl and mine bedroom.

I crawled in to bed silently, with my clothes still on. I was too lazy to take 'em off. Axl looked so cute.

-Next Morning-

I woke up and Axl was gone already, ofcourse haha. The whole Izzy thing was still bothering me. But what could I do about it? He's really cute but, he has always been my least favorite from the whole gnr crew. And it seems like he's my favorite now.

Today I gotta clean the house so that these shitasses can make it dirty again tomorrow.

I got out of bed, dressed up, and put my hair in a messy bun. I walked to the living room to find a note on the table. 'Hey Sweet Child o' Mine, I tidyed up a little so you could clean the house. I didn't have more time to do more, sorry. x Axl' He's the sweetest.

I called Axl to say Thank You, but no reply. So I called Duff. "Hey" he said, I heard a girl moan in the back. Oh god please don't let it be Axl with someone. "Who the fuck is having sex there?" ''Steven and Kayley" ''Are they a thing now?" ''I think they are yes'' "Hell yeah! They are meant for eachother."

"Who u callin?" a just awoken Shelia asked. "Duff Shh..!"

"Where's Axl?" I asked Duff. ''Outside taking a smoke" "Can I get him?" "Sure wait a sec."

-After a moment-

"Hey babe" ''Hey cutie" "Whats up?" "Thanks for tidying up a little." "No problem babe" ''That was what I was calling for soo... yeah, bye.'' ''Bye Sweety'' He called me names. urgh I hate that.

(Okay guys this is finally happening!!!!)

-Axl's Point Of View-

I finished my cigarette and walked back inside to give Duffs phone back.

''Steven, what the fuck!'' Steven kept fucking so I walked towards Duff. ''Here's your phone'' ''Thanks, what was it about?'' ''Nothing'' I said and smiled at the two having there moment, and started to laugh. ''Nothing wrong?'' ''No not at all, she just thanked me for something.''

''Steven seriously, stop it!'' Slash said. ''He never changed'' Slash said to Duff and me.

Time flew by and before I knew it, I was unlocking the frontdoor of my house. It was all shiny. All summer long by Kid Rock was playing. I started to sing along with it.

I found two exhausted girls on the couch. ''Hey'' I said

-Shelia's POV-

His voice is so sexy. Why did he stop singing?

-Sky's POV-

''Hey honey'' ''You two cleaned together?'' ''Yes, it's done by teamwork'' I said and laughed at what I just said.

Suddenly Shelia's phone rang.

''Hey, yes, oh god, I'll be there in a minute'' we heard her say. ''I gotta go guys'' she said and ran away.

''Aaaaaaand she's gone'' I said.

''Hey.... what are those bruices on your wrists?'' Axl asked.


That's it for this chapter. I will now make a bit longer chapters. (This one is 1327 words btw)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'd put a lot of time in it. It is waaays longer than originally planned.

Once again you can follow @Changinglovee on instagram to stay updated and for spoilers and stuff and othfits and songs and whatnot. :) (Both songs that I used in this are amazing make sure to check 'em out!) :)

Take Care, -Cruelgurl

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