Chapter 1

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     "Melodious, you cannot keep putting off what your Father and I have to discuss with you. So you might as well bring your little rear end out of that room and join us in the conference room, now." Melodious' Mother called from the bottom floor of their four story home in Los Angeles, California.

      "I'm not putting anything off. I'm in the middle of my...History essay its due today. I'll be down in a couple hours?" Melodious called from her room on the fourth floor. Please believe that. It's not a total lie. My History essay is due today, but I have already finished it.

      "Nice try young lady. I know without a doubt in my mind that you finished that essay three days ago, and I know that you have already finished all of your homework assignments for the next two weeks. Get your butt in gear and get down here or you are grounded from the music studio for two months. Am I understood?"

      "Yes Ma'am, I'll be down in five minutes." Melodious groaned. Why does she have to pay attention to when I get my homework done? Ugh. I don't want to have this meeting. They are going to try to force me to make a public statement saying that I have decided to become a "freethinker" again, and I absolutely refuse to do so.

      "Very well, but the clock is ticking, and by the time it lands on five minutes your butt had better be planted firmly on a seat in the conference room." Melodious' Mother then walked away her needle point stilettos clicking loudly on the tile with each step she took.

      Ugh... Well here I go. I guess I have to face it sooner or later. Lord, please be with me as I go through this.

     "How nice of you to join us at last, now that young Melodious has graciously graced us with her presence we can begin our discussion on what to do about what happened the other night at the concert." Melodious' Father stated when his daughter entered the room and sat down.

      The room was a big as a football field and could seat up to at least a hundred people, and had before. The only people present today are Melodious, her parents, and some security looking people.

      "Now as we all know at the Concert on Friday night was a complete and total disaster. A disaster which nearly cost Melodious her life and something has got to be done about it."

      "It was not that bad. Honestly, the world is blowing it way out of proportion. All we do is tighten security and be on the lookout for whoever that lunatic was. The more important question is how did he get past the metal detectors with a metallic gun, and how did he get past the security guards that were standing in front of the stage? That's what we should focus on." Melodious spoke up. Why do they always ignore the big issues? And why is Father creating such a big façade for whoever these strangely intimidating looking people are?

      "Melodious, you are only seeing the small picture here. We are looking at the bigger picture this is the third time this month that you were targeted because of that silly faith of yours. We can not keep letting you risk your life for it. If you would just recant it publicly that will solve all of the issues that we are facing. So what do you say will renounce your new interest?"

     "Father, you have already asked me that question and I have already answered it. I will not denounce my faith. You and Mother may be freethinkers and entrepreneurs of the world, but I have found peace in my decision and I have decided to dedicate my life to my faith. There is nothing you can say to change my mind. We just have to strengthen security and everything will be fine." Melodious sighed. Why can't they just accept that I do not believe as they do? Please Lord guide my steps. Please show me the path that will glorify you the most. Please lead me.

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