Chapter Twelve

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Everything is quiet and peaceful, if not for the burning pain and endless throbbing coming from my back I could almost be fooled into thinking that life isn't so bad after all......almost. I'm trying so hard to remain positive and hopeful, but with each passing day the black hole of fear and sorrow grow bigger and it feels as if I'm being consumed by it.

I need to stop feeling sorry for myself there are others in this world that have it worse than I do. Just breathe.... I think I came across a bible verse once that said something about suffering.... what was it? I think it was something like 'it is better to suffer for......if that is what God wants. Than to suffer for ......' ugh what is it? I'm pretty sure it's first Peter, Chapter three verse sixteen or seventeen......Why can't I remember???? Ugh.... I may not be able to remember, but I might be able to find it...... if I'm quick enough.

Slowly rolling off her bed Jasmine gingerly stands to her full height her eyes watering and her breathing hitches slightly in her chest. Gah......why does it still hurt? You'd think that after being beaten practically every day I'd stop feeling it, but no not the case. Breathing heavily Jasmine slowly makes her way across her room and gently kneels on the floor at the entrance to her closet.

Retrieving the butter knife, she took her very first day at the house, she starts to pry the loose board that holds her treasure up, but just as she's about to get it up three loud knocks break through the silence as they echo eerily throughout the house.

Her breathing quickening and her heart pounding rapidly in her chest, Jasmine quickly stows the knife back behind the doorframe out of sight, and swiftly darts across the room achingly lying down on her back, struggling to get her breathing under control. Who in the world is crazy enough to knock on our door? Why would someone even want to visit us? What if it's more of them?

With her heart tripling its frantic race in her chest, Jasmine strains her ears in the hope of hearing who the mystery visitor is, but to her dismay all she can hear is the sound of multiple muffled voices, and then the sound she feared above all else meets her eager ears.

Heavy footfalls climbing the stairs, and before she can truly process what it all could possibly mean she can hear her bedroom locks click open one by one, and with the unlocking of each one her fear grows more and more, making her breathing even more laborious. Time slows to a stop as her bedroom door swings open to reveal Mike standing there his dark eyes flashing dangerously as he twirls a small metallic looking object in his hand.

His eyes fixed on Jasmine alone, Mike slowly steps into the room closing the door quietly behind him as he whispers, "Hello Nothing, it seems you've been a really bad girl."

Her heart suddenly stops its frantic race as her thoughts begin to run wild. They know.... How do they already know? They shouldn't have been able to figure it out for at least a year or so more? What now? Lord, I've trusted you, and I've done my best to follow you. Please don't let me die at their hands.

Please, please help me to be free again. If nothing else, please do not let me die in this place. Please, if I'm to die because I've tried to follow you then please let me die in peace and away from these cruel monsters. Please, I beg you Lord don't leave me to their tortures.

Trying to control her frantic thoughts and breathing Jasmine starts to rise just as Mike lunges forward effectively placing his palm firmly across her mouth keeping her silent as he sits on top of her pinning her to the bed, as he angrily whispers in her ear, "You idiotic, pathetic little Nothing. Did you honestly think your pathetic little plan to get free would work? Did you honestly think we'd let you leave this house and spend time with the idiots next door? Do you take us for fools?"

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