Chapter Fourteen

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Dear Anonymous Reader,

I have been here for a hundred and thirty-three days, and it has been nothing but torture. My heart breaks at the cruelness these people have shown me. Since last I wrote I have been through a process I do not even know a name for, and I do not wish to know it.

The day started as each one has since my arrival, my captors came in and dumped a small amount of oatmeal on the floor they pulled me closer to them by jerking the chain that's connected to the collar around my neck, and ordered me to lick it up while shoving my head directly into it.

I had no choice but to obey them. The last time I tried to avoid licking it up they taped my mouth shut and refused to let me eat or drink for seven long days, and when they did allow me to eat I had to lick the food mixed with dirt while they forced me to use the bathroom. It was disgusting and completely humiliating. I wish I could just go home.

After I finished the oatmeal the head monster came in grinning,( I hate it when he grins it means that he's going to enjoy whatever it is he's about to do), and he had a couple of the captors hold me still while he inserted a long needle attached to a syringe into my stomach. Once the needle was deep enough he pushed in on the end and a burning sensation filled my stomach as a liquid was forced into me.

At first nothing happened then all at once I felt my body go limp, try as I might I couldn't make my body move. My eyes darted frantically upward into his and he just laughed at me. They then brought in a body sized tube thing that had a single open hole with a table flap near the head of it and placed it in the center of the room.

The monster ordered the others to stripe me and place me in the tube. With my head sticking out the hole supported by the table flap and the rest of my body lying motionless in the machine I began to fear the worst. After making sure the tube was completely sealed they turned a knob on the tube and I heard what sounded like water begin to fill the tube.

I was more than confused as to what they were doing. Why stick me in a tube and fill it with water? I had my answer soon enough when a pungent smell met my nose. I knew I recognized the smell, but I didn't know how to place it. It smelled clean and made me a little dizzy, and then the burning started. The liquid had reached my female area and it burned like fire had been lite between my legs. I wanted to scream, but no sound came through my closed lips.

Whatever had been in the syringe had made it impossible for me to make any noise or move any muscle. The head monster just stood above me and laughed. He then asked me if I liked my bleach bath. A bleach bath, they stuck me in a bleach bath? I wish it had ended there, but of course it didn't.

He then started putting some kind of solution on my neck and face telling me to close my eyes unless I wanted the solution to make me blind. The solution caused multiple blisters to appear as soon as it touched my skin. He then put tape across the areas he put the solution, and moments later I heard the concrete door shut.

Each day they came in and checked the machine, checked the taped solution, and then left. I sat burning in the bleach for five days. Finally on the fifth day they started to drain the machine and remove the tape, and as the tape was removed I could feel layers of my skin being ripped away.

They weren't happy with the results so they re-injected me with the liquid to make sure I didn't move and they applied more of the burning solution all over my body along with more tape and left me there. Two days later they finally removed the tape and deemed me done. They sprayed me with freezing water put the two stripes of cloth back on me and left me there in the middle of the room, the leftover water from when they sprayed making me even colder.

Looking down at my hands that were once a beautiful brown from basking in the sun, my heart breaks to see them so white, they bleached my skin. They are slowly changing what I look like to suite there plans for me. Why me?

There are hundreds of people in this world that believe in Christ why do I have to be targeted for it? What did I ever do to deserve this? I wonder what Kami is doing right now. Has she found a new best friend? How's her and Kevin's relationship? I miss her, I miss home, I miss the sound of the ocean, and how the wind would gently blow across my face.

I miss seeing the sunrise, and I miss the cool rays of the moon. I miss being free. But I can't go home. I can't do what they want me to do. I will not renounce my faith. They have no right to tell me that I can't believe in Christ. Jazz, I wish you were here. You'd help me. I wish Kami were here too, she'd help me. I'm getting weaker. I can feel it. I just hope I have enough in me to endure the tortures they still have in store for me.

Dear Lord, Please remain with me throughout this terrible nightmare. Please wrap me in your arms and keep me safe. Give me the strength to withstand whatever they do to me. I do not know why I am here, but I do know that you are with me, and no matter what may come as long as I have you I'll be alright. Please watch over my loved ones that are far from me. Give Kami peace and help her move on, and let Jazz know how much I love her. In Lord and Jesus Name I Pray Amen. Until next time my Dear Anonymous Reader.

Melodious Lightening


*******************Author's Note********************

Hey, everyone we are officially at the Halfway Point!!!!! I'm so excited. Unless I have to split a chapter in two due to unforeseen complications, in fourteen more chapters our Journey with these brave souls will come to an end. Thank you all so much for hanging in there with me through this process I'm so excited for where this story is going. Love you all. 

                                                                                                                           Love Forever and Always,


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