Chapter Eighteen

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Snow is falling covering the many bushes and trees of the grounds, the back garden is covered in snow and ice, and although its one of my favorite scenes to look at my mind is a million miles away. She hasn't texted since the night before Thanksgiving break and tomorrow is thanksgiving. What I wouldn't give to know she's okay. I know it's crazy to think about her a lot, and I know it's crazy to even care.

I just can't help it. I have a feeling that there's more to her than meets the eye. No one can be as kind or as faithful as she claims to be. Why would her Aunt and Uncle take her in if they intended to mistreat her? Why not just let her go to a group home or something? What is it that she's so afraid of? Why is it so dangerous for me to keep digging?

Sighing heavily Nathan raised a hand tiredly rubbing his forehead as he continues to stare out at the garden below. Lost in thought Nathan suddenly jumps when he hears a soft voice behind him, "Is this a good spot to think deep thoughts?"

Turning, Nathan warily eyes Kevin's girlfriend Kami as he responds, "That depends on whether or not you like a frozen garden view. I love looking at how winter changes the normal garden, into something new and different, while keeping it just as it is."

Walking up beside him Kami peers out the window giving Nathan a chance to study her, he could see why Kevin liked her so much. Her blonde hair's jagged ends were dyed a beautiful purple with emerald green tips, she had a gorgeous tan, although she was short, she was well muscled, and her eyes were a pretty green with the tiniest traces of blue.

As she pulled back from the window Kami smiled, "It is very beautiful, cold but beautiful."

Looking back out the window Nathan asks, "Do you not like the cold? It gets cold here a lot during the late fall and all through winter."

Shaking her head Kami replies, "I'm not a fan of the cold, I prefer hot sunny weather, but then again that's all I've ever known. The few times my home in California gets cold, I'm normally overseas where it nice and warm, it was a tradition my grandmother started. Whenever the cold came to home we'd go on vacation to some tropical island, and we wouldn't return until the weather had warmed up. I've never really even played in the snow or watched it fall."

"Really? You've never had a snow day or anything? Wait if you were overseas, how did your parents not get in trouble for you missing school?"

Sighing Kami replied, "I was homeschooled, I've never set foot inside a public school, it was kind of lonely growing up."

"Didn't you have any cousins or siblings to keep you company?" Nathan asked staring at her.

Shaking her head Kami ruefully replied, "No, it was just me, both my parents were only children. I didn't really have any friends until I was eighteen and I started going to open-invite beach parties and even then, it was all acquaintances."

Gasping Nathan asked, "So you don't have any friends? But surely a successful music producer like you knows all the best celebrities and are friends with them?"

Pursuing her lips Kami looks back out the window as she replies, "My very first and closet friend was Melodious Lightening, even though she's eight years younger than me. She was like the sister I always wanted."

"The singer that disappeared. Do you know where she is?" Nathan whispered.

Shaking her head Kami sighed, "No, I wish I did. All I know is that wherever she is, she's not happy or safe. I just wish I knew where that was."

Frowning Nathan opened his mouth to speak again when his Mom shouted from downstairs, "Nathan, Kami, Sweethearts, Kevin and your father are back, why don't you come down and we can all eat supper?"

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