Chapter Twenty-Six

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Long bouncing blonde curls surround a small chubby face, with bright blue eyes shining, as short arms wave enthusiastically, beckoning me to run forward.

A cold bitter wind bites my cheeks while a soft voice with ocean blue eyes beg me to stay with him. His voice is thick with unexpressed emotion, I want to assure the voice I'm here, but I can't find the words.

A soft song meets my ears, the chubby face grinning proudly singing a song of peace and joy, the sun shines bright and warm.

Wet drops fall on my face, cold as ice, as labored breathing meets my ears, warm arms pull me closer trying to shield me from the cold, the soft voice begging me to be okay, pleading for me not to be taken.

The chubby face's smile fades, the twinkling blue eyes lose their shine, as a child's voice whispers, "You're not ready yet. There's still more to do."

The bitter cold fades a little, while a faint musty smell surrounds me. Blinking rapidly, I can see steel walls, hardwood floors, a few chairs and sofas, and a long hallway that leads straight down. Looking up into the endless dark blue eyes, I whisper, "where am I?"

Nathan smiles in relief as he replies, "In my families' safe house. It's hidden near where we spent Thanksgiving. No one can penetrate it. How are you feeling?"

Frowning Jasmine whispers, "Tired, really tired. You shouldn't have saved me; they'll kill your family if they find out."

Shaking his head Nathan sighs, "I couldn't leave you there, besides good luck to them. My Dad was one of the youngest police chiefs and my uncle is an ex-Navy Seal, he'd still be one if he hadn't been hurt on some kind of mission that's rendered him unable to return to duty, but the training is still there, and then there's Kevin he's a top FBI agent. So good luck to them. Truth be told I'm the weakest link, which is why we're here."

Shaking her head Jasmine rolls her eyes, "Of course your family is all super cops. I guess it's good that Kami is in love with one, he'll keep her safe for me."

Smiling Nathan shrugs, "Well, it must be in the genes, but somehow they skipped me. I'm gonna sit you down on the sofa now, okay?"

Biting her lip Jasmine slowly nods, and as Nathan lays her down on the sofa, she winces and gasps, causing Nathan to squeak, "Sorry. I tried to be gentle. I wish one of them would call me back. They'd know what to do."

Taking a few short breaths, Jasmine sighs, "It's okay. You're doing the best you can. I'm sorry it's all come to this, I never wanted any of this to happen."

Frowning Nathan sinks to the floor in front of Jasmine, and asks, "What really started all of this? I read your journal, but I'm still a bit lost on everything."

Briefly closing her eyes, Jasmine whispers, "Well for starters, You, can call me Jasmine or Melody or Jazz or Mel, whichever you're more comfortable with."

Raising an eyebrow, Nathan smirks, "That's a lot of options. Do you have a preference?"

Rolling her eyes Jasmine/Melodious huffs, wincing as a sharp pain flashes through her ribs, "Yes, that is a lot of names, thank you Captain Smart-Ass, I like Mel or Melody, but I know you know me as Jasmine, so whichever you choose is fine."

Laughing a little as Jasm-Melody's remark, Nathan frowns. "Who is Jasmine?"

Sighing Jasmine/Melody whispers, "That was my little sister's name, why do you ask?"

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