Chapter Ten

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As the darkness fades from his eyes and the blood stops ringing in his ears Nathan slowly starts to become aware of what's happening around him. His Dad and him are on the floor of his room with his Dad's arms securely wrapped around him from behind pinning his arms to his side making it impossible for him to move.

His Mom is kneeling in front of him, tear tracks running down her face her dark blue eyes wide in alarm, whispering words of comfort while her hands shake uncontrollably. Head fuzzy and his hand throbbing slightly, Nathan tries to recall what had happened for them to be in his room when he last remembered being at the kitchen table attempting to explain about the whole Bethany situation.

After several more minutes of wracking his brain trying to understand what happened Nathan decides to try to stand up, but as soon as he makes a move his Dad tightens his grip and his Mom starts gently rubbing his shoulders and speaking in calming tones, "It's okay Sweetheart. It's Okay just calm down and breath. We're here. We're here."

Confused Nathan decides to ask what's going, opening and closing his mouth multiple times, Nathan finally manages to whisper, "Mom, Dad, what happened? How'd I get here in my room?"

After sharing a look between them his Dad finally asks, "You don't remember how you got up here?"

"No, I just remember sitting at the table trying to explain what happened at school, and then nothing." Nathan whispers his throat scratchy and sore.

"What do you think Chris? Think he's okay to let up?"

"I think so Jen, I think he'll be okay and this way we can check out his hand."

"My hand? What's wrong with my hand?" Nathan asks looking down and for the first time truly feeling the ache in his hand. When he did look down he wished he hadn't. His right hand was swollen twice it's normal size, the skin on his knuckles and fingers were raw and cracked with blood steadily oozing from a spot where the skin had come completely off.

The sight of his hand caused his stomach to contort into knots while a sour liquid suddenly filled his mouth. Swallowing around the liquid in his mouth Nathan manages to whisper, "What happened?" As soon as the words left his mouth he turned and suddenly vomited all over the floor his Dad letting go just in time.

About half an hour later the Sea's were all gathered around the kitchen table, Nathan's Mom finishing wrapping his hand up with an ace bandage, they believed he'd sprained it, while Nathan sits slowly sipping some cool water to calm his stomach.

His parents had already explained how they'd heard him scream out and what sounded like something heavy hitting the wall so they'd gone to investigate and had found him in complete hysterics punching the wall. His Dad had tackled him pinning his arms to his side while his Mom had tried calm him down. It had been at it a good ten minutes before he'd come around.

"Son, you yelled some interesting things at us like how we are never there for you when you need us, and how all you ever get is our professional side. What's been going on Nate? Talk to us Son." Nathan's Dad sighed his brown eyes clouding with worry.

Looking into his Dad's eyes Nathan noticed for the first time that his Dad's eyes were the exact same shade of brown as Gracie's. Feeling tears fill his own blue eyes Nathan decides to finally tell his parents what he had been hiding hoping they would understand.

"Mom, Dad I don't know really how to tell you this....I I I-" Nathan began. I want to tell them, but how? How can I sit here and hurt them? How do I let them see what I've tried to hide? I just don't know anymore.

"Nathan, Sweetheart whatever you have to say we will listen, and do our best to help you. We just want you to be healthy and happy. But Nate we can't help you if we don't know." His Mom soothed from beside him finishing taking care of his hand.

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