Chapter Nineteen

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School is almost over for the winter break, and for the first time in my life I really wished it wouldn't end. Nathan Sea sighed as he sat staring at his blank computer screen in the study room. Rubbing his hands in his eyes he tried to focus on his history assignment that was due first thing in the morning, but he couldn't concentrate he didn't even want to turn on the computer.

Nathan decided he'd just take an F on the essay when his cell phone chimed, his heart beating rapidly in his chest he picked up his phone and read the message, "Don't forget Mr. Chapman's essay on why history is important to today's society is due in the morning and since you didn't turn in the extra credit report on who was the most influential ancient civilization, you can't afford not to turn this in."

Smiling down at his phone Nathan shook his head as he replied, "You know Jas, I'd probably get it done a lot better if you came over and studied with me, think my Mom could talk your Uncle into letting you?"

After hitting send Nathan stared down at his phone willing it to ping again, after what felt like hours Jasmine's reply came, "Sorry Nate, but they won't let me go anywhere anytime soon. Thanksgiving was a blessing, but they won't let it happen again. Just do your homework, it's not as bad as Harrison's, I mean come on it's almost winter break and she wants, a five page report on the basis of the periodic table and what the elements commonly react with. She's spent the whole semester on that one topic it's a wonder any of us will pass."

Snorting softly Nathan quickly typed back, "My brother had her when he was in school right after she first started, he once told me that during a lab she over poured a chemical mixture and caught the classroom on fire, every since then she focuses just on the elements and stuff, I don't know how she got her tenure, but she did."

Nathan again watched his phone willing Jasmine's reply to come, but as the minutes began to drag on, he feared she wouldn't. After almost five minutes a short quick reply came, "Uncle is coming, can't text anymore tonight, do your homework. See you to-"

Shaking his head Nathan sadly sat down and turned on the computer. She cut off again quickly. What is happening over there. I wish I knew a way to stop it. How can I help her?

Determined not to think too much on it, Nathan opened the internet tab to attempt to research some talking points for his essay, when his eyes scanned a file that had been left open. Frowning Nathan clicked the file and was surprised to be taken to a bank's website, Stars National Bank, located in Los Angeles, California.

Who in the world would pull up that site? Why would someone pull that up? I'd say maybe Kami, but she didn't use the computer when she came here. The last person to use this computer...... Nathan gasped as his eyes widened in shock, the last person to use this computer was Jasmine, the night before we went back to school. She'd been in here after everyone else went to bed, she said she'd just been looking up stuff for school because she couldn't sleep.

Why would she be looking at a bank's information in California, she's from Florida. Well that's what she said anyways and why lie about it? Could it have something to do with what's going on over there? Come to think of it, Kami kept staring weirdly at Jasmine, especially after Jasmine's voice wasn't so hoarse. Could it be possible that Kami and Jasmine know each other?

Shaking his head and rubbing his eyes Nathan sighed, scolding himself. I'm reading to much into this. So Jasmine just happened to have been on a California bank site, and Kami may have seemed a little off around her, that does not mean there is anything going on, I am just looking for an excuse to get out of doing my homework.

Clicking off the site Nathan headed over to his favorite search engine and began looking up what he'd need for his essay, but it wasn't too long later that a side article popped up about a law-suit, being filed against Stars National Bank, catching Nathan's already drifting attention. Deciding it couldn't hurt Nathan clicked on the article, after scrolling past countless bits of advertisement Nathan began to read:

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