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"In the darkest of nights, when all hope is lost, that's when you know you're not alone. When you can't see the way to go, I'll take your hand and I won't let go, look to the stars, that's where you'll see me, I'm always there watching patiently." Melody sat singing over and over, writing and erasing, changing words and phrases. Huffing she crumples the paper up and tosses it over her shoulder.

A quiet voice breaks through her concentration, "Still struggling with the new song?"

Turning around in her chair Melody smiles over at Kami standing in her bedroom doorway, the paper Melody had just tossed in her hands, "It's there, but it's still too far out of my grasp to reach, and I really wanted this one to make it onto the album, but it may have to wait until the next one. What time is it?"

Kami walked into the room her dress sweeping across the floor, "About five in the morning, but it's Easter Sunday, so we've got to leave soon for the sunrise service. That is if you still want to go."

Melody smiled, "Of course I want to go. It'll be my first one ever. I just didn't realize how late it was. I'll start getting ready."

Melody jumped up from her desk and ran to her closet, picking up her purple flowered dress, as Kami asked, "What time did you wake up this time?"

Melody frowned, "Just after two."

Shaking her head Kami sighed, "Why didn't you wake me? What time did you lay down?"

"About midnight." Melody sighed as she slipped her dress on and started digging for her shoes, after several moments she found her silver heels. Standing up she saw Kami staring at her, "What? I showered when I woke up, so I'm clean."

"Why didn't you wake me? That was the deal I'd stop getting up every few hours to check on you, so long as you woke me when you wake up. Come on Mel, why didn't you wake me?"

Sighing Melody sat back down at her desk while putting her shoes on she replied, "Kam, I can't come wake you every time I have a bad dream or every time I can't sleep. You're already exhausted from taking care of me. You don't need to lose your sleep too. Besides Dr. Martin said that it may take time for me to fully be able to sleep here."

"Melody, you're my sister and technically since the adoption went through, you're my daughter. I want to take care of you the way you're supposed to be taken care of, and that means getting up with you at night."

Shaking her head Melody smiled, "Kam, you've taken better care of me these last few months than my parents have in the sixteen years they had me. You've made sure I've gotten to every single doctor appointment, you completely renovated the whole house with your own money, so that this place would feel more like a home instead of a jail, you make sure I eat at least three times a day, I have the softest bed and the warmest clothes.

Every time I have a night terror, you're right by my side. We've gone to church every single Sunday since I've gotten out of the hospital. You've helped me with my schoolwork and have made sure that I'm doing good in my classes. You've helped navigate my slow climb back into performing, you've kept the press away, and you even bought me a car so I can drive myself back and forth to school, so no more long walks for me. Kam, you are the best big sister/mother anyone anywhere could ever have. You do more than enough, but if it makes you feel better, I promise on the nights when I have a really bad night terror, I'll come wake you."

Smiling Kami shook her head, "Melody, you are definitely something else. Was last night a bad night terror?"

Melody shook her head, "No not too bad. I saw Jazz again. She was waving to me and smiling, and we were standing in the most beautiful garden with a massive wisteria tree, its flowers were floating down all around us. It was so peaceful, she looked so happy to see me."

The Faith of a Mustard SeedWhere stories live. Discover now