Chapter Seventeen

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Snow is falling gently, coating the top of my head, turning my hair white. Although the breeze is bitterly cold and bites at my frozen skin, I can't help but feel happiness overfill my heart. Nathan stands just ahead of me near an old wooden fence surrounding a field of horses. He looks amazing in his warm winter coat, looking back at me he laughs and waves me over.

When I'm right beside him, he gently takes my hand and places it on the muzzle of a beautiful chocolate brown mare. Smiling he introduces, "Jasmine, this was Gracie's horse, Fawn, Fawn this is my new friend Jasmine."

Fawn nudges my hands for me to pet her, laughing I look over at Nathan, "I think she likes me. She sure is beautiful. Thank you for introducing us."

Nathan smiled, "It's nothing, come on let's head inside and get warmed up. I think Mom stocked up on your favorite kind of tea, and Kevin and his girlfriend will be here soon. This is going to be the best Thanksgiving ever."

Gently pulling my hand Nathan starts to lead me towards a big mansion like house, the closer we got to the house the faster he started to run. His grip on my hand became as tight as an iron cuff, my hand starts to hurt from the pressure.

Gasping I cry out, "Nathan, please slow down I can't keep up this pace. My leg hurts. Nathan, please slow down."
Nathan doesn't seem to hear me, I jerk my hand back trying to break his grip, but his hold only tightens. My leg is screaming beneath my brace, pain spreading from the soles of my feet up my leg, almost as if someone is rapidly striking the bottom of my foot.

Still Nathan's pace doesn't slow, and just when I think I'm doomed to run forever, my feet catch on a sharp rock causing me to fall harshly to the ground, breaking Nathan's grasp on my hand. Dazed I look up and see Nathan still running, I try to stand up, but I can't. My legs won't move like I want them to. Looking closely, I can see a giant gash across my knee. I am freezing my clothes have vanished and I lay bare in the snow. My legs are coated with gashes similar to the one on my knee.

Shaking I cry out, "Nathan? Nathan, where are you? Nathan, Please, help me. Please don't leave me behind."

A sharp pain rakes across my back as a voice echoes all around me, "Time to wake up Nothing. We still have a lot of ground to cover."

My eyes flying open I stare into the cold dark eyes of Mike, his teeth gleaming in the dark. Laughing Mike slowly traces the blade of his knife across my bare skin, as he whispers, "You've been a very bad girl, Nothing. The boss called and said they still can't get through what the issue is that has their money locked up, and he's not happy. He thinks you're the one to blame for this."

Violent tremors rake through her body and Jasmine rapidly shakes her head no. Mike tuts, "Lying isn't very Christian like, I thought you were a Christian. Perhaps after all this time you've decided to revert back to your old ways, hmm?"

Jasmine fiercely shakes her head, shouting no from behind her gag. Rolling his eyes Mike makes a swift cut on her shoulder, causing tears to leak down her face. "I didn't think you would. Now what shall we do today. What could I possibly do to you to make you confess what's happened to the money? I've already beaten you, cut you, we've been starving you. You've been shocked and burned, threats aren't working either. What to do."

Trembling Jasmine just lays there her heart thudding painfully in her chest, as Mike slowly strokes her back side with his blade. Suddenly the bedroom door opens, with Cara standing in the entry way, annoyed she huffs, "The Sea's have asked yet again for Nothing to join them, and I've told them again that she can't. I don't think they'll stop asking. We may have to eventually let her go with them. Also, boss is on the line, says he wants to talk to you about the interrogation, and wants an update."

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