Chapter Twenty

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"Kami, this is Jasmine Winters, she's my neighbor and a great friend." Nathan says as he hugs a small petite girl. Staring at her a small nagging suspicion begins to grow.

Ignoring the suspicion Kami politely replies, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Jasmine. How have you enjoyed your school break so far?"

Jasmine just stands there a frown on her face, when she finally speaks her voice is low and urgent,

Taken aback Kami opens her mouth to tell her just how rude that was, when Jasmine's image begins to shift. In place of her black and green streaked hair, golden locks shimmer down to her shoulders, pale translucent skin gives way to an even sun-kissed tan, and wide doe like emerald eyes stare fearfully up at her. Gasping Kami covers her mouth with trembling hands, in Jasmine's place stands Melody, her head held high even though her eyes are filled with tears.

When Melody speaks again her voice is dry and cracked, whispering frantically she urges,

Jolting awake Kamillia Mathews wearily turns her head to the side looking at her clock on her nightstand, sighing when she notices that it reads just a little after four in the morning. Groaning she sits up, easing tiredly out of bed. Why the hell do I keep having these messed up freaking dreams? Yes, Jasmine reminded me of Melody, but it's probably just because I'm missing her so much.

Making her way through her dark apartment Kami methodically began her mindless morning tasks of getting ready for the day ahead, her mind racing around in circles. Melody is literally missing, either by foul play or by her choosing. Melody is missing, and that is the only reason why I keep trying to connect Jasmine to her. My heart wishes to find her, safe and sound. She can not be the Sea's next-door neighbor.

Sighing frustratedly Kami angrily begins cooking some eggs whisking the yellow yolks into a pulp. Okay sure Jasmine likes tea and honey, lots of people do. Jasmine has the same color eyes as Melody, but Melody had blonde hair, not black and green hair. And yes, Jasmine does some things like Melody, like eating all of one thing before eating another, and after a few cups of tea her voice took on that same soft musicality that Melody had to hers.

Shaking her head at her thoughts Kami swiftly pops some bread into the toaster pulling her favorite raspberry jam from the fridge. There is no way that Jasmine is Melody, she just can't be. I mean yeah, their laughter is the same, and I thought I heard her singing softly along while the Seas did some karaoke. No Melody is not Jasmine, if she was, she would have told me. I could have saved her. If that was my Melody, she wouldn't have kept her distance, she would have run at me and told me. I am being ridiculous. I am getting desperate thoughts in my head, and I am going to ignore them.

Huffing at herself Kami sat down at the breakfast bar, stabbing her fork viciously into her eggs, she begins to eat, after the third mouthful her fork poised in midair Kami freezes her mind drifting back to her dream.

"Kams, stay away it's not safe. There is nothing you can do for me. Kami please stay away. Be safe my friend, my sister."

"You shouldn't be here. You must forget you saw me. Go home, now, before it's too late."

Setting her fork back down Kami mumbles aloud, slowly shaking her head side to side, "No, she wouldn't have said anything. That's not who she is. If all these years as her friend have taught me anything about her, it's that she's fiercely loyal and protective of the people she cares about, and she's beyond selfless. She'd give everything she had, if she knew that someone else needed it more."

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