Authors Note

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Hello to All,

Ok so the last chapter was a long one, over 12,000 words. I was shocked that it was so long, and I couldn't actually find a good place to divide it up so it's gonna stay that long. Also the end of the last chapter was very dark and full of abuse. I want to reiterate my note in the description of the story. I do NOT in any shape or form support or encourage any form of abuse upon another living creature, and if you are in an abusive situation or if you notice something off I encourage you to report it. Truth is it happens in all shapes and forms all over the world, and its really sad. I'd like to say these past two chapters are the only ones that have it in them, but they're not. It's actually really hard to write these kinds of chapters, but in Jasmine's and even Melody's story the kind of abuse you just read about is there reality, and like all things of that nature it will progress. I again do not condone it, and all of my characters are completely fictional. The location of Hopewell, Tennessee as far as I know is also fictional. I'd love to hear from you guys. You can comment or send a private message. I'd just like to know what you think, and it'd be fun if any of you have any guesses about any parts of the story line. I'll try to update as soon as I can. Until then I hope you all are Blessed with happiness and health. Love ya'll

                                                                                                                                                       Love SilverInk00

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