Chapter Seven

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Dear Anonymous Reader,

     I have been at the underground prison for three days, and I already feel my chances of coming out of this alive slipping away. The journey here was long and hard. I sat tied to the chair unable to move for a very, very long time. When we arrived the group of men gathered around the chair I was tied to, unbolted it from the floor, and then as one they picked the chair up with me STILL IN IT, and carried it out of the truck through a small sitting/kitchen area, down a long hallway, and then deposited the chair and me in this little concrete room, and then they left.

     They just left me tied to this straight back wooden chair. Not caring that my butt was numb and hurting, not caring that I had to pee, and not caring how much it hurt to be treated like just a piece of furniture. I don't know how long I sat there. After I got over my and initial  hurt and anger of being treated the way they were treating me, I started to take in my new surroundings.

     The little concrete room was literally nothing more than a little concrete room. The floor was solid concrete, the walls were concrete, the door was concrete. It was like they had dropped me into a little grey box filled with nothing but solid concrete. The only light in the whole room came from a  tiny single overhead bulb hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room, that would sway back and forth on it's own.

     The room was completely bare. The only piece of furniture in the room was the chair I was tied to. There were no closets, no beds, no bathrooms, there was nothing. Well, unless you count the small drain in the middle of the floor and what looked to be several little metal rings placed in various spots around the room along with some weird outlet looking things.

     I don't how long I sat there before I heard the ominous sound of my captures returning. The lead guy whose name I won't utter here had dark eyes, a scruffy face, and an evil smile. He informed me that this "room" would be my home fore the next six months, and that if I learned quickly my stay here would be easier. However if I were to show any type of resistance to what they were "teaching" me I would wish I'd never been born.....I wish I'd never been born.

     I can't and won't accept their "teachings".......I'd rather die. After giving me that spiel he said they were going to get me "settled in." Which basically meant they were going to start the "reformation process.".....I won't write everything they's.....not suitable to record, and I know it's only going to get worse, and I will eventually write it down....just not yet. Instead for now I will give an somewhat detailed overview of what they did.

     After untying me from the chair (they made sure to leave me gagged), they forcefully stripped me down to my birthday suit, they then pulled me over to the middle of the room directly over the drain, and said that the drain would be my toilet , and that I had better learn to use it.  Standing there surrounded by them, and their roaming eyes completely naked.... that was the most humiliated I had ever been. They wanted me to stand in front of them and use the bathroom over a drain. I couldn't. No matter how badly I had had to go, I couldn't do that.

     They in the end forced me to do it anyways, (I won't say how, they were just cruel and heartless), and that was just the beginning of my humiliation. The lead guy then declared me filthy and pathetic and decided that I needed to be "cleansed." So they brought in a long hose an attached it to one of the weird looking outlets, but instead of turning a knob they inserted a key into the wall and as soon as the key turned the hose began shooting water out its end.

     Holding me still over the drain they began to spray me from head to toe with ice cold water; laughing cruelly as I futilely tried to break free from their grapes, screaming loudly into my gag as the cold of the water seeped into my skin stealing my bodies warmth. After many long minutes they declared me "cleansed" to their satisfaction, and decided to give me a brief introduction to what some of my "lessons" and "punishments" would be like while I was in their care.

     It all happened so quickly and they did so many awful things......I know I promised myself that I would keep an accurate record of everything they put me through and I know it's going to get a lot worse before it ever gets better, if it ever gets better, but I'm not ready to put down what they did not everything....I just can't. When they were done with the "introduction" I could only lay curled in a ball on the cold concrete floor, bruises and welts were swiftly appearing all over my body, and I hurt so badly I couldn't find the strength to move.

     Deciding that they had given me enough of an "introduction" for one day they brought in some clothes for me to wear while I was in the underground facility. I honestly don't consider the two strips of cloths they brought in clothing, but at least it gave me some coverage. The cloths were thin and gray. They tied one of the clothes tightly around my chest covering my breasts. The other did actually resemble a pair of panties, but they were thinner and almost three sizes too small.

      After putting the clothes on me they forced me to stand while removing my gag, reminding me that screaming would do me no good no one would be able to hear me, and even if they did no one would cared enough to help me. They pulled my hair up into a high tight ponytail so that it wouldn't be in the way of any future sessions. The lead guy then smiled and said after all their "hard work" they deserved a little "fun." They took turns holding me down and touching me in areas their hands should have never gone near, while I screamed out for them to stop and leave me alone, tears falling unchecked from my eyes.

     When they were finally done with their "reward" they dragged me over to the wall and  put a pair of heavy manacles that would keep my hands helplessly close together. I had hoped they were done with me, but they decided to take my humiliation and imprisonment a step further. They put a small chain collar around my neck making sure to pull it tight enough that it wouldn't move, and then they secured it with a small padlock. The collar reminded me a lot of a dog's choker collar, and sent shivers all down my spine.

     They then attached a long chain to the collar and secured it to one of the rings in the wall. The looked long enough to reach any corner of the room with ease. They put padlocks on the ends of the chain as well to make sure I wouldn't be able to get free no matter what. After trip checking they had me secured they brought in my small  backpack and said that they hoped I'd packed something to keep me warm or something to make a bed out of because what I had on and what I saw in the room was all that I was getting  from them.

     They dropped my backpack in the middle of  a puddle of water that hadn't drained , I could see water seeping into my pack as it laid there. They turned around laughing  as they slammed the concrete door, and as soon as the door shut I heard multiple locks click into place......that was three days ago, and they haven't been back in here since.

     I've had no food or water since we arrived. My mouth is so dry that my tongue feels like paper. My stomach aches and burns almost as if I've consumed a gallon of acid. It is so cold in here. The floor is cold, the walls are cold, and I am cold. When they drowned me in the cold water and took my body heat away, I can't seem to be able to get warm. My body keeps shaking, and my arms are coated in cold chills. I have cried so much my eyes burn and itch.

     When they left I tried to get up and get my bag, but it took me several times and in the end I just crawled. I then crawled to the farthest corner of the room away from the door, and sat with my back to the wall so I could see the door. All I can do now is sit and wait. I know they will soon expose me to every form of torture at their disposal, and I know there's a chance I may not make  and if I do I know I will never be the same. I'm tired so I will end my entry with a prayer.

     Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that you help me survive the beatings and tortures that will come. Please always remind me why I'm here. Please don't let me forget who I am, and what you mean to me. Help me endure this suffering. Please take the hunger from me, take the thirst from me, take aches and pains, and please take the fear I feel from me.

     In the place of what you take please place compassion, understanding, humility, and the knowing that as long as I believe in you I will be alright. I may not know where this life will take me, but  I know as long as I continue to love you and trust you there's nothing I can't do. Please never let me forget that. I love you Lord, and I trust you. After all if I have faith enough the size of a single mustard seed I can move mountains. Lord in Jesus name I pray Amen.

Melodious Lightening

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