Chapter 2

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 Thunder shatters the quiet night as lightening crashes through the air, and rain is pouring down in great buckets gathering in deep puddles of water standing still on a lone deserted highway. Out of nowhere a car comes whizzing around a corner, the same time another car enters the highway from the opposite direction going a slower pace. The first car hits a patch of standing water and in a blink of an eye total chaos reigns. The night air is filled with the sounds of squealing tires, crashing metal, and wailing sirens.

~One Month Later~

     "Nathan, we're leaving in five minutes, you need to get out of bed." A female voice called.

     "Nathan, did you hear me?"

     "Nathan Christopher Sea, you had better answer me."

     Suddenly someone knocks then enters. "Nathan, I know you had better not be ignoring me." The woman said sternly now standing in her sixteen year old son's bedroom door.

     "Nathan, honey are you okay?" his Mom came and sat down on the side of his bed laying a gentle hand on his arm.

     The moment her hand made contact Nathan jumped coming back from that night where his whole life changed. "Mom, what's going on? What time is it?"

     "Nathan, honey I was calling for you to get up. We're supposed to leave in five minutes to go to church, and you're not even dressed."

     "Oh, right church. How could I forget its Sunday morning?"

     "Nathan, sweetheart are you okay it's not like you to forget a church day or to sleep in like this. Sweetie is everything all right?"

     "Um..... not really Mom. I'm not feeling too good. My stomach kinda hurts and I have a headache. Do you think it'd be okay if I just stayed home and got some rest?"

     "Well, I don't know Nathan. You missed last week as well and the week before." His Mom reached up and felt his forehead. "You don't feel warm."

     "Mom, please. I really don't feel good. Please don't make me go today. Please."

     "This is the last time. You can't keep missing, but seeing as it is the month Anniversary I'll let it slide." Nathan's Mom sighed her eyes slowly filling with tears.

     "Thanks Mom." Nathan whispered slowly rolling over to stare out the windows to the house next door.

     His Mom then bent down to kiss the top of his forehead. "We miss her too, and it doesn't ever go away, but I promise that in time it does get easier."

     "Thanks Mom."

     "You're welcome my Love. Get some rest." His Mom got up and left shutting the door behind her.

     Nathan sighed as he lay there staring out the wind his eyes trained on the bedroom window next door. I know they miss her too. How could anybody not miss her, but they don't have the burden knowing they are the reason she's dead.

     Tears slowly started streaming down his face. None of them were driving that night. None of them were in the car. None of them are responsible for the death of their cousin slash best friend. None of them are, but I am and I will never forgive myself for it.

     Nathan laid there quietly sobbing. He sobbed and sobbed until he had no tears left. With all his tears spent he just laid there and fell into an exhausted sleep with dreams of thunder, lightning, and crashing metal.

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