Chapter Twenty-Four

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Okay breathe. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. You can do this. You will be okay. You just have to calm down and breathe. Kamilla Mathews thought to herself as she sat in the center of a solid concrete room tied to a chair. Looking around the room her heart sank a little as she noted that there were no windows, the door seemed to blend into the wall behind her, and that the various metal rings that shone in spots around the room couldn't be a good sign.

Speaking aloud Kami tried to calm her accelerated breathing and her painfully quick heartbeat, "Okay, so they didn't believe I got lost, and they've confiscated my phone. This room is quite secure, and is that blood stained on the floor near the far corner? What about those little white lines on the wall? Oh, what have I gotten myself into?"

Shaking her head Kami slowly tries to wriggle out of her bonds, the rope chafing her wrists and ankles, irritating her skin. Only when she could feel blood trickling down from where the ropes were, did she stop, hang her head, and begin to sob, as fear grips her heart.

At long last the door behind her opens and the sound of approaching footsteps causes Kami to look over her shoulder, as she does Kami spots the two guards who had caught her in the woods, thin tall Bob, and plump missing tooth Harold.

Harold smiles his awful missing tooth smile as they walk around in front of her, "Well, our intruder is bright-eyed and bushy tailed. Did you have a great sleep, Princess?"

Blushing Kami's mind swiftly travels back to them bringing her in front of Melody's parents, and the parent's not believing her lie. They'd then told the guards to interrogate her. Shivering as she remembers them holding her still as they injected a needle with some kind of liquid into her, which had caused her to pass out.

She'd had to endure the injection twice more before waking up in the concrete room, deciding not to indulge them, Kami sits quietly, looking above their heads, while Bob chuckles, "I think the little Princess is giving us the silent treatment. What are we gonna do about it, Harold?"

Rubbing his hand against his chin in mock thought Harold replies, "Hmmm. I don't know Bob, what would be a good way to get someone to talk?"

Squirming slightly in the chair Kamilla continues to look straight over their heads, her heart pounding in her chest, as sweat trickles down the back of her neck. Bob grins his dark eyes glinting, "Bob thinks we should use the breaker. It's been known to make people squeal."

The blood pounding in her ears, Kamilla's eyes go wide as Harold viciously begins laughing, "You read my mind, I think the breaker is the perfect tool for the job."

Slowly the two men saunter over to the chair and begin to untie Kamilla's bonds, holding her tightly between them, they swiftly drag her to the corner of the room where she'd seen the white marks and blood stains. Shoving her back, into the corner they secure each of her hands to shackles hanging from each wall. In the end she's kneeling facing the room, her back against the v where the two walls meet, and her arms are stretched wide open almost like she's waiting to hug someone.

Panic slowly creeping up her spine Kami futilely pulls at her restraints, trying to at least pull her arms in to shield herself, but only her elbow move closer, and as they do the shackles scrap her already tender wrists, causing more blood to trickle from beneath the cuffs. Desperate for a way to fight back Kami makes to stand up, Harold laughing, shoves her back down onto her knees.

Bob mocks, "Bob bets, she wishes she had played nice and just talked, huh?"

Harold nods his laughter growing louder as Kami's face burns red, and tears prick the corners of her eyes. Unable to keep silent anymore Kami screams, "LET ME GO, YOU FUCKING BASTARDS. I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TRYING TO DO, BUT THIS IS ILLEGAL AND CRUEL. LET ME GO RIGHT NOW."

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