Chapter 9

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Jason POV

I have been awake for half an hour. I have just been watching Jay sleep. He looks so peaceful and innocent. He is so flawless.

"Why are you watching me sleep?" Jay asked which made me jump.

"Shit , don't scare me like that and because you look so peaceful." I said

"Am sorry and don't curse " Jay say and pouted which I found so adorable.

"Aww, it's ok baby and am sorry for cursing." I said and gave him a kiss.

"Please fasten your seatbelt, we will be landing in 2 minutes" The pilot said

We fasten our seatbelt and landed safely. We all got off the plane and headed towards the tour buses.

*Tour Buses*

We entered our tour buses and they were amazing. Their was a kitchen, dining room and 2 bed rooms. Their was also 4 bunk beds.

I then went to our room and they were amazing. Their was a king size bed, x box , bathroom and 2 closets.

"Wow, this is beautiful" I said.

"Not as beautiful as you" Jay said and kissed my cheeck.

"I love you so much" I said

"I love you too, to the moon and back" Jay said.

"Too the moon and back" I said and gave him a kiss.

We then went to the dining room and Scooter went over Jay's schedule with him.

"So, you have 2 concerts in New York. one tonight's and one on Wednesday. After New York we will be heading to Texas." Scooter said.

"Ok" Jay said.

*Skip to end of concert *

Jay has just finished his concert and he was amazing as always.

"Jase, wanna come to my m&g with me"? Jay aksed.

"Sure" I said.


Jay was doing his meet and greet and they were all amazing beliebers. Then one girl came in an she was wearing short shorts and a crop top. I felt jealous by the way Jay was looking at her.

*10 minutes later*

The same fan was still their and Jay was flirting with her. It hurt me to watch so I just left and headed towards the bus.

Justin's POV

I just finishes my meet and greet and I could not find Jase anywhere.

"Hey Fredo, have you seen Jason"? I aksed.

"Yh he is on the tour bus" he said.

"Thanks" I said an headed towards the tour bus.

*Tour bus*

I entered the tour bus and headed towards our room. I found Jase their crying.

"Jase baby, why are you crying"? I asked worryingly.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because you were flirting with one of your fans right in front me" he said.

"I was not flirting" I said.


"AM SORRY" I screamed.

"YOUR SORRY, JAY DID YOU KNOW HOW THAT MADE ME FEEL? I FELT HURT AND BETRAYED" he screamed and went to open the room door to leave.

"Where are you going"? I aksed.

"Am not sleeping with you, am sleeping on the couch and I can't even look at you right now" he said and left the room.

'OMG why do I always screw everything up' I thought.

Jason's POV

After I left the room I took out my phone and rang Mia. She is the only one who keeps me calm especially with my anger.


M- Hello

J- Hey Mia

M- McCann! how are you?

J- Am fine.

M-that's bullshit.

J- ok, Justin was flirting with one of his fans in front of me at his M&G today.

M- Do you want me to come their and beat his Canadian ass?

J- no but I just needed to talk to you

M- Am always here McCann

J- Thanks I love you

M- Love you too Jason, bye

J- Bye.

*End of conversation*

After talking to Mia I felt a bit better but I still felt betrayed and hurt. I got changed into my pjs and lied down on the couch. I then fell asleep wondering what tomorrow would bring.


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