Chapter 22

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Justin's POV

The next morning I woke up and looked to see if Jase was beside me. I then remebered that we are on a break. I was hoping that it would all be a dream but it isn't it's reality. I then got out of bed, took a shower, got ready and brushed my teeth. I then started cleaning the house because my mom, grandparents, dad , brother and sister are coming today to celebrate chrsitmas with me. Chaz, Ryan are coming tomorrow as well as Caitlin, Christian , Selena and James.

*2 hours later*

After 2 hours I finally finsihed cleaning everything. I was just about to go and get something when the door bell rang.

*ding dong*

I went to open the door and their stood my mom, dad, brother , sister and grandparents.

"Hey mom" I said and kissed her cheek.

"Hey sweetie" she said and came inside.

"Hey grandma, grandpa" I said and gave them a hug.

"Hey Justin" they said and came insdie.

"Hey dad" I said and gave him a hug.

"Hey son" he said and came in and closed the door.

"Bieber, Bieber" Jazzy said.

I then picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"Hey princess" I said.

I then put her down and she ran off to play with her dolls.

"Honey, where is Jason"? mom asked.

"I don't want to talk about it" I said.

"ok" she said confused.

We then all just sat down and talked when the doorbell rang again.

*ding dong*

'Who could that be' I thought.I then got up adn went to open the door. Their stood Chaz, Ryan, Caitlin, Christian, Selena and James.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here early?" I asked surprised.

"We wanted to surprise you" Caitlin said.

They all then came in and we all went to the dining room.

"why are their a lot of paps outside?" Ryan asked.

"I don't know" I said confused.

we were all watching E News! when something intresting came up.


we all laughed.

Yesterday Justin Bieber's boyfriends Jason McCann was seen leaving their shared mansion in California. He was seen with a suitcase and the Biebs was spotted crying. Jason was seen at LAX airport without Justin Bieber. Do you think the formet 'it' couple have broken off?

Everyone then turned to look at me. I got up and walked out the room. I went to the backyard and sat down. Tears starting falling down my cheek. I felt someone's present next to me. I turned and Selena was sat their.

"Justin, are you ok"? she asked worridly.

"No" I answered truthfully.

"What happened"? she asked hesitadly.

"we are on a break" I said.

"why?" she asked.

"we kept arguing and our relationship was falling apart and he said we should take a break and because he wanted that I agreed with him"I said.

I then started sobbing and she confroted me. 10 minutes later I stopped crying.

"thank you" I said.

"for what"? she asked confused.

"for being here for me" I said.

"well, that's what friends are for" she said smiling.

"yh" I said.

"let's go inside"she said and stood up.

"ok" I said.

I then got tp and we walked inside.

"Baby, are you ok"? mom asked worridly.

"no, I miss him so much" I said and she gave me a hug.

"everthing is going to be alright" she whispered.

'everything is not going to be alright' I thought. Not without my Jase.


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