Chapter 44

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Justin's POV

I can't believe that our wedding day is in a week. I always dreamt of the person I would marry and have a family with and it is finally coming true. Even though me and Jason have been through many ups and downs in our relationship we always make up. I love Jason with all my heart and I don't know what I would do without him. Well, anyway today everyone is coming to stay with us till our wedding day. By everyone I mean my mum, dad, Erin, Jasmine, Jaxon, Alex, Katy, Megan and my grandparents. Selena, James, Fredo, Scooter, Chaz, Ryan, Caitlin and Christian are already here. We were all just talking and having a laugh until the door rang.

*Ding Dong*

"I'll get it". I said.

I got up from the sofa and went to open the door. Their stood my mum, dad, Erin, Jasmine, Jaxon and grandparents.

"Hey guys" I said and hugged each one of them.

"Hey Justin. I've missed you" Jasmine said.

"Aww I've missed you too princess" I said.

They all then walked inside and we all walked into the dining room where everyone else was.

"Uncle Jason" Megan said running up to him.

"Megan, I've missed you" Jason said to her and kissed her cheek.

"I've missed you too" She said and cuddled up to him on his lap.

"Hey guys. Am so glad that you could come" Jason said to my family.

"Hey Jason" My mum said.

We all then just sat down and talked amongst our self.

"Babe" Jason said.

"Yh" I said.

"Will you come with me somewhere"? He asked.

"Where"? I asked confused.

"You will find out when we get their" He said.

"Ok" I said.

We then got up from the sofa and walked to the door until we were stopped by Sel.

"Where are you too going"? She asked suspiciously.

"For a walk" I lied.

"Ok, have fun" She said.

We then walked out the house and got into Jason's car and drove to god knows where.

Jason's POV


I stopped the car outside the graveyard and too tell you the truth I scared that I was going to have a break down.

"Babe, why are we at the graveyard"? Jay asked him.

"Just come" I said.

We then got out the car and I intertwined our hands. We then walked to where the stones that I was looking for were. We stopped near my parents gravestone.

Sarah Anna McCann

1965 - 2003

Loving Mother and Wife.

Mark James McCann

1964 - 2003

Loving Husband and Father.

"I wanted to bring you hear so you could visit my parents with me" I said as a tear fell down my cheek.

"Oh, Jase are you ok"? He asked.

"Am fine" I said.

"Hi mum, dad. I miss you guys so much. I wish you were her with me and I wish that you never died. I wish that you could of watched me get married and have a family. Am so sorry for all the bad things that I have done in my life. I love you guys so much" I said.

By now I was full on sobbing and Jay was comforting me.

"Baby, its ok. God wanted to take them and just remember that they love you and that they will always be remembered" He said.

"Thank you so much Jay. I love you so fucking much" I said.

"I love you too so damn much" He said and gave me a kiss.

I realised that even though they are gone it's because it was their time and God wanted to take them. They will always be remembered by all of us and am so glad that God gave me this perfect life because without it I don't know where I would be.


Well there you have it. The second to last chapter. I can't believe that the last chapter is going to be my last. *queue the tears*

Anyway, I hope you enjoy and I love each one of you xx.

QOTD - Comment if you would like a sequel. If it gets more than 7 comment then I will do a sequel.

Anyway, Vote and Comment.

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